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History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan YOUNG

February 29, 2008
Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1, 195p. ISSN 1882-6539

[Japanese] / [Korean]


¡Global COE Program Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University (Ed.) February 29, 2008
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan YOUNG",
Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1, 195p. ISSN 1882-6539

wSpecial Public Seminar

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[Table of Contents]
Preface by MATSUBARA Yoko --- 3

Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan YOUNG"

Program --- 9
Opening Address by NISHI Masahiko --- 11
Introduction of Prof. Allan YOUNG by MIYASAKA Keizou (Keio University) --- 13
Keynote Speech: "PTSD in the War on Terror" by Prof. Allan YOUNG (Interpreted by MIYASAKA Keizou) --- 17
Designated Qestion 1 "Changes of Memory" by KOYAKE Risa --- 45
Designated Qestion 2 "Questions over 'Places' to Spin Memories" by KATAYAMA Tomoya --- 49
Reply by Prof. Allan YOUNG --- 54

Report 1 "Informed Consent in State-of-the-Art Medical Care; A Narrative of a Personfs Experience of Experimental Surgery" UEMURA Kaname --- 63
Report 2 "How Parents and Children Build a Relationship in the NICU: From Narrative of Parents Who Have Infants with Trisomy 18" by SAKURAI Hiroko --- 71
General Comment 1 IKEDA Mitsuho --- 78
General Comment 2 AMADA Josuke --- 84
Reply by Prof. Allan YOUNG (Interpreted by MIYASAKA Keizou & KITANAKA Jyunko) --- 88
Questions and Answers, and Reply by Prof. Allan YOUNG --- 94
Closing Address by MATSUBARA Yoko --- 110
Chairperson: SATO Tatsuya (Ritsumeikan University)

"Changes of Memory" KOYAKE Risa --- 115
"Questions over 'Places' to Spin Memories" KATAYAMA Tomoya --- 119
Distributed Material "Informed Consent at the State-of-the-art Medical Treatment: Experience of Unexpected Operation" (Japanese) UEMURA Kaname --- 125
Distributed Material "How Parents and Children Build a Relationship in the NICU: From Narrative of Parents Who Have Infants with Trisomy 18" (Japanese) SAKURAI Hiroko --- 139
"Informed Consent in State-of-the-Art Medical Care; A Narrative of a Personfs Experience of Experimental Surgery" (English) UEMURA Kaname --- 155
"How Parents and Children Build a Relationship in the NICU: From Narrative of Parents Who Have Infants with Trisomy 18" (English) SAKURAI Hiroko --- 171
Postscript TATEIWA Shin'ya --- 191

UP: September 4, 2009 REV:September 10, 2009/August 1, 2011/February 8, 2012/April 10, 2012/April 15, 2013/May 28, 2015/July 30, 2015
žReport Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi
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