Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Mutual Renewal and Transformation

Ingram, Paul O.; Streng, Frederick J. eds. 20070401 Wipf and Stock,254p.

last update:20200217


■Ingram, Paul O.; Streng, Frederick J. eds. 20070401 Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Mutual Renewal and Transformation,Wipf and Stock,254p. ISBN-10:1556353812 ISBN-13:978-1556353819 $30.00 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ c30



The essays in this volume focus on philosophical, theological, and structural aspects of contemporary Buddhist-Christian dialogue in an effort to assess its potential as a source for the renewal and transformation of both traditions. Writing from differing assumptions, academic disciplines, and religious world views, the nine Christian and two Buddhist contributors are nevertheless agreed that interreligious dialogue can contribute meaningfully to our understanding of some of the profound issues arising out of modern self-consciousness. Believing that the human community and its survival are threatened everywhere by secularism, they seek to show that the dialogue between Buddhists and Christians can provide not only insights but a conceptual framework for authentic living in the present age of religious pluralism. Each writer shares the conclusion that Buddhist-Christian encounter is vitally important for a larger understanding of contemporary issues of self-identity, evil, communication, and fulfillment.


Part1. Methodological Problems in the Analysisi of Specific Buddhist and Chiristian Forms
Chapter1 A Comparison of Buddhism and Christianity According to a History of Problems
Chapter2 The Sociology of Knowledge and Buddhist-Christian Forms of Faith, Practice, and Knowledge
Chapter3 The Hermeneutics of Practice in Dogen and Francis of Assisi

Part2. Proposals for Understanding the Nature of Dialogue
Chapter4 Interfaith Dialogue as a Source of Buddhist-Christian Creative Transformation
Chapter5 Sunyata and Religious Pluralism
Chapter6 The Mutual Fulfillment of Buddhism and Christianity in Coinherent Superconsciousness

Part3. Dialogue on Specific Religious Notions: Evil, Self, and Religion
Chapter7 The Problems of Evil in Christianity and Buddhism
Chapter8 No-Self, No-Mind, and Emptiness Revisited
Chapter9 Selfhood Without Selfishness: Buddhist and Christian Approachs to Authentic Living

Part4. Christian Renewal in Japanese Culture
Chapter10 Paul and Shinran: Jesus and Zen: What Lies at the Ground of Human Existence?
Chapter11 The Encounter of Christianity with the Buddhist Logic of Soku: An Essay in Topological Theology




*作成:今井 浩登
UP:20200217 REV:
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