Deontology, Responsibility, And Equality

Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper 200502 Museum Tusculanum,503p.

last update:20110704


■Lippert-rasmussen, Kasper 200502 Deontology, Responsibility, And Equality,Museum Tusculanum,503p. ISBN-10:8763502259 ISBN-13:978-8763502252 $61 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ l04 dr01 nr03 e03


Three questions that loom large in moral and political philosophy are these: Can deontological moral constraints be justified? When, if ever, are we morally responsible for what we do? How is the ideal of equality best configured? 'Deontology, Responsibility and Equality' deals with selected aspects of these three broad questions. It discusses critically certain attempts by Frances Kamm and Thomas Nagel (among others) to account for the impermissibility of minimising violations in terms of moral status. Also, it challenges the view that there is a morally relevant difference between doing and allowing harm and, especially, between killing and letting die. In relation to the second question, it concentrates on recent developments within compatibilist accounts of moral responsibility prompted by the work of Harry Frankfurt. It challenges his purported refutation of the principle of alternative possibilities as well as certain positive compatibilist, identification-based accounts of responsibility. Finally, with respect to the last question, the book focuses on how we should understand the ideal of equality of opportunity and the moral significance of the distinction between social and natural inequalities. It defends equality of outcome over equality of opportunity and the view that natural inequalities are, if bad, no less bad than social inequalities. This book has been accepted at the University of Copenhagen for a public defence as a Dr Phil dissertation.

Kasper Lippert- Rasmussen (born 1964), DPhil (Oxford), MA (Essex), Cand. Scient. Pol. & Exam. Art. (Aarhus), is a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He works primarily in ethics, political philosophy and informal logic. His articles on these matters have appeared in journals such as Journal of Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy & Public Affairs, The Journal of Ethics, Philosophical Studies, Politics, Economics & Philosophy, and Philosophical Books.



 1. Preliminaries
 2. Deontology
 3. Non-deontology
 4. The charge of irrationality
 5. The non-equivalence principle
 6. Complexity
 7. The act concept
 8. The course of nature
 9. Facts about behaviour
 10. Harms
 11. The concept of responsibility
 12. Determinism, compatibilism, and incompatibilism
 13. Ability to do otherwise and the transfer argument
 14. Libertarianism
 15. Moral responsibility without free will
 16. Compatibilist responses
 17. Defending the principle of alternative possibilities
 18. The ideal of equality
 19. Responsibility for being worse off
 20. Telic versus deontic egalitarianism
 21. In itself bad
 22. Is inequality bad or is equality good?
 23. Equally well off in terms of what?
 24. Non-distributive egalitarian concerns

 1. Moral status and the impermissibility of minimizing violations
  The inviolability account
  Two conceptions of inviolability
  Minimizing violations and responsibility
  Inviolability and independence compared
 2. In what ways are constraints paradoxical?
  Nozick on side constraints
  Scheffler: the puzzle of non-maximization
  Kamm: expressing respect and concern for rights
  Nagel: the impersonal value of constraints
 3. Are killing and letting die morally equivalent?
  The issue
  Non-life-shortening killings and cases of lettings die
  Why we should reject the actual sequence account of the prima facie wrongness of killing
  The intuition about respect: Malm
 4. Life-prolonging killings and their relevance to ethics
  The conceivability of life-prolonging killings
  Two challenges
  Failing to notice the conceivability of life-prolonging killings-three examples
  Why the conceivability of life-prolonging killings matters for moral theory
 5. Two puzzles for deontologists: life-prolonging killings and the moral symmetry between killing and causing a person to be unconscious
  The possibility of life-prolonging killings
  Some standard accounts of the wrongness of killings
  The constraints against the killing of innocents
  An agent-relative constraint against (life-shortening) killing?

Moral Responsibility
 6. Er determinisme og moralsk ansvar forenelige?
  Princippet om alternative handlingsmuligheder
  Frankfurts kritik af princippet om alternative handlingsmuligheder
  En deterministisk version af eksempel(A)?
  Det moralske ansvars objekter
 7. Does moral responsibility presuppose alternative possibilities?
 8. Kompatibilisme og moralsk ansvar for undladelser af handlinger
  Princippet om alternative handlingsmuligheder
  Frankfurt om PAH
  Undladelser af handlinger
  Er Frankfurtske eksempler koharente?
  Moralsk held og PAH
 9. Frankfurt, responsibility, and reflexivity
  Frankfurt on freedom and moral responsibility
  Reflective awareness and responsibility
 10. Identification and responsibility
  Frankfurt on acting freely and moral responsibility
  Higher-order volitions and values
  Decisions and contentment
  Planning and the desire to act on reasons
  The authoritative and the authentic self
  The whim problem
  Identification and sources of identification

Equality  11. Arneson on equality of opportunity for welfare
 12. Equality and responsibility
  Actual-and alternative-sequence egalitarianism
  Arneson and Cohen on equality
  Frankfurt on responsibility
  Alternative-sequence egalitarianism
  Actual-choice egalitarianism
  Responsibility-robust egalitarianism
 13. Egalitarianism, option luck, and responsibility
  Dworkin on option luck and brute luck
  Unacceptable risks and the sufficiency view
  Which probabilities? Which outcomes?
  Differential option luck and responsibility
  On the badness of inequality that reflect differential exercises of responsibility
 14. Measuring the disvalue of inequality over time
 15. Are some inequalities more unequal than others? Nature, nurture, and equality
  Social versus natural inequalities
  Different distinctions
  a) Nationalist and other restricted-scope egalitarians
  b) The concern for inequality resulting from unfair treatment
  c) Making versus allowing inequalities
  d) Purely procedural egalitarianism

Appendices  Appendix 1: Methodology
  Methodological elements
  A coherentist account of the justification of moral beliefs
  Moral justification scepticism
 Appendix 2: On defending a significant version of the constancy assumption
  The insignificance challenge
  The challenge from extreme particularism
  Contrast arguments





*作成:樋口 也寸志
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リバタリアンlibertarian/リバタリアニズムlibertarianism ◇Dworkin, Ronald ◇Nozick, Robert ◇平等/不平等/格差身体×世界:関連書籍 2005-2009  ◇BOOK
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