Working Futures?: Disabled People, Policy and Social Inclusion
Roulstone, Alain; Barnes, Colin 2005 Policy Press,368p.
last update:20100729
■Roulstone, Alain; Barnes, Colin 2005 Working Futures?: Disabled People, Policy and Social Inclusion,Policy Press,368p. ISBN-10:1861346263 ISBN-13:9781861346261 £21.59 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] ※ ds
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Working futures? looks at the current effectiveness and future scope for enabling policy in the field of disability and employment. By addressing the current strengths and weaknesses of disability and employment policy, the book asks Is the dichotomy of 'work for those who can and support for those who cannot' appropriate to the lives of disabled people? Does current and recent policy reduce or reinforce barriers to paid employment? What lessons from other welfare regimes can we draw on to further disabled peoples' working futures? The book is original in bringing together a wide range of policy insights to bear on the question of disabled peoples working futures. It includes analyses of recent policy initiatives as diverse as the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Draft Disability Bill, the benefits system, New Deal for Disabled People, job retention policy, comparative disability policy, the role of the voluntary sector and 'new policies for a new workplace'. Contributions from academics, NGOs, the OECD and the disabled peoples' movement bring multiple theoretical, professional and user perspectives to the debates at the heart of the book.
◇About the authors
Dr Alan Roulstone is Director of Research in Social and Health Sciences and Reader in Disability Studies at the University of Sunderland. He has published widely on disability and employment policy and has significant experience of researching disability in institutional contexts. Alan identifies as a disabled person and has close links with the UK disabled peoples' movement. Professor Colin Barnes is Director of the Centre for Disability Studies at the University of Leeds. Colin has written extensively on disability and policy issues and is author of the seminal Disabled people in Britain and discrimination. He is a disabled person who has done much to transform social model ideas on disability into a reality.
List of figures, tables and boxes
List of abbreviations
Notes on contributors
Part One: Work, welfare and social inclusion: challenges, concepts and questions
The challenges of a work-first agenda for disabled people - Alan Roulstone and Colin Barnes
The missing million: the challenges of employing more disabled people - Kate Stanley
Part Two: The current policy environment:
New Deal for Disabled People: what's new about New Deal? - Bruce Stafford
Disabled people, employment and the Work preparation programme - Sheila Riddell and Pauline Banks
Legislating for equality: evaluating the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - Nigel Meager and Jennifer Hurtsfield
Disability frameworks and monitoring disability in local authorities: a challenge for the proposed Draft Disability Discrimination Bill - Ardha Danieli and Carol Woodhams
Job retention: a new policy priority for disabled people - Geof Mercer
Benefits and tax credits: enabling systems or constraints? - Anne Corden
Challenging the disability benefit trap across the OECD - Mark Pearson and Christopher Prinz
Jobcentre Plus: can specialised personal advisors be justified? - Patricia Thornton
Disability and employment: global and national policy influences in New Zealand, Canada and Australia - Neil Lunt
Disabled people and 'employment' in the majority world: policies and realities - Peter Coleridge
Part Three: Towards inclusive policy futures:
Employment policy and practice: a perspective from the disabled peoples' movement - David Gibbs
Changing minds: opening up employment options for people with mental health problems - Jennifer Secker and Bob Grove
Enabling futures for people with learning difficulties? Exploring the employment realities behind the policy rhetoric? - Danny Goodley and Ghashem Norouzi
Barriers to labour market participation: the experience of Deaf and hard of hearing people - Jennifer Harris and Patricia Thornton
Work matters: visual impairment, disabling barriers and employment options - Phillipa Simkiss
Disabled people and employment: the potential impact of European policy - Hannah Morgan
Missing pieces: the voluntary sector and community sector's potential for inclusive employment - Lorraine Gradwell
Professional barriers and facilitators: policy issues for an enabled salariat - Bob Sapey and Jeannine Hughes
Disabled people, the state and employment: historical lessons and welfare policy - Jon Warren
'Work' is a four-letter word: disability, work and welfare - Colin Barnes and Alan Roulstone
Working futures? is a welcome and much needed contribution to this crucial domain of disability studies. It is an excellent resource, providing an original text that should be drawn on by a wide audience within the social sciences.
John Swain, School of Health, Community and Education Studies, University of Northumbria at Newcastle
This collection of academic research, review and policy papers maps out attitudes of governments and employers towards disabled people, and puts these in both a historical and global context ... Alongside the critiques, there are positive suggestions as to how to redefine disability, impairment and the notion of work itself, alongside ideas for restructuring disabled people's involvement in decision-making and in society at large. ... This is essential for anyone involved in disability policy-making, human resources, supported employment or day services.
Community Care
The book includes an impressive range of authors... who provide a stimulating critique of the trends and issues underlying employment policies... It is delivered in short chapter-length chunks, and so will be a very useful text for researchers, students and policy-makers in the field of Disability Studies.
Social Policy, Volume 36/3 - 2007 - Reviewer: Val Williams, Norah Fry Research Centre, Bristol University (Cambridge Journals)
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