Our Bodies, Ourselves: A New Edition for A New Era (4th Edition)

The Boston Women's Health Book Collective 2005 Touchstone, 848p.

last update:20101210


■The Boston Women's Health Book Collective 2005 Our Bodies, Ourselves: A New Edition for A New Era (4th Edition), Touchstone, 848p. ISBN-10: 0743256115 ISBN-13: 978-0743256117 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ f03 w

※ 旧版の邦訳書誌は以下
The Boston Women's Health Book Collective 1984 The New Our Bodies, Ourselves : A Book by and for Women, Simon & Schuster ISBN-10: 0671460889 ISBN-13: 978-0671460884 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] = 「からだ・私たち自身」日本語版翻訳グループ訳; 「からだ・私たち自身」日本語版編集グループ編 19881005 『からだ・私たち自身』 松香堂書店,608p. ISBN-10:4879748811 ISBN-13:978-4879748812 \5000 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ f03 w


America's best-selling book on all aspects of women's health

With more than four million copies sold, Our Bodies, Ourselves is the classic resource that women of all ages can turn to for information about every aspect of their well-being. Completely revised for the first time in a decade, these pages give women everything they need for making key decisions about their health -- from definitive information from today's leading experts to personal stories from other women just like them. This updated edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves includes the latest on:
- Nutrition and exercise
- Relationships, sexuality, and sexual health
- Complementary health practices
- Reproductive choices, pregnancy, and childbearing
- Growing older
- Medical testing and procedures

Together with its companion website (www.ourbodiesourselves.org), Our Bodies, Ourselves is a one-stop resource for women of all generations.

Plus: The rearranged food pyramid, a chapter about sexual orientation and gender identity, advice for making safer sex more fun, the latest on breast-feeding, support for women experiencing pregnancy loss, and a section devoted to getting the best care in today's complicated health care system.

From Publishers Weekly
The original edition of 1970's now-classic Our Bodies, Ourselves has sold more than three million copies, and the revised and expanded edition will likely prove equally popular among women of all ages. According to the authors, some of them among the original contributors, knowledge is power, but women will make little change in the medical and health-care industries unless they join forces with other women at home and around the world. Like its predecessor, this volume is wide in scope (but lacking in depth), and has a profoundly feminist perspective as it emphasizes sexual health, reproductive rights, community-based organization and the political, economic and social conditions that limit women's access to quality health care. Much of the new information details recent health research on women's needs and inequities in medical care for men and women, and reflects the experiences of different ethnicities, sexual preferences and economic backgrounds. Women are the primary consumers of health care in the U.S., but, the authors say, they are grossly underserved. In addition, the medical community has viewed many life-stage conditions - pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, menopause-as illnesses rather than natural processes that require teams of supportive practitioners. The book's rousing political orientation may motivate readers to access the numerous resources listed or the companion OBOS Web site. More than a book, OBOS is a health movement and deserves a place on every woman's bookshelf. (May)


Source: http://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/book/inside/toc.asp

Letter from Founders

Taking Care of Ourselves

1: Body Image
Introduction - Beauty for Sale - He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not- The Media Lies - Do I Look Fat? - Girl Power? - Our Bodies Growing Older - Taking Back Our Bodies

2: Eating Well
What is a Healthy Diet? - The Macronutrients - Different Models of Healthy Eating - Making Changes - Vegetarianism - Nutritional Supplements - Helping Kids Eat Well - Dieting - Other Diet-Related Health Issues - Weight and Health - Eating Problems - Making Changes

3: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Mood-Altering Drugs
Drugs Women and Girls Use - How Substance Abuse Affects Our Health-Influences On Our Use and Misuse of Substances - Reducing the Risks - Recognizing a Problem-Finding Help for Harmful Use and Addiction - Working Together on Prevention, Treatment, and Policy - Promising Policy and Treatment Initiatives

4: Our Bodies in Motion
The Health Benefits of Exercise - How Exercise Makes Us Feel-Getting Started - Team Sports - Caring What Other People Think - Exercise, Age and (Dis)Ability-Injuries and Safety - Too Much Exercise? - Who’s On the Wheaties Box?:The Politics of Sports

5: Complementary Health Practices
Introduction - Traditional Healing Practices - Why We Choose Complementary Health Therapies - Traditional and Complementary Approaches - Choosing Therapies, Self-Help Groups, and Providers - Social and Political Awareness - Access to Care

6: Emotional Well-Being
Introduction - Therapy as an Option - Finding a Competent, Caring Therapist - How to Know if a Helper is Really Helping You - Is It All in Our Brain Chemistry? - Concerns about Psychotropic Medication - Challenges for Consumers - Social or Political Action an Often Overlooked Source of Help

7: Environmental and Occupational Health
Connecting Occupational and Environmental Hazards - Public Health and Responsibility - Shared Risks, Unequal Burdens - Working Conditions of Women - Types of Hazards - Reducing Our Exposure - Action Strategies - Organizing for Change

8: Violence and Abuse
Understanding Violence against Women - Race, Class, Prejudice, and Violence Against Women - Common Reactions to Experiencing Violence - Regaining Our Lives - Intimate Partner Violence - Safety Planning - Rape - Incest and Sexual Abuse of Children - Sexual Harassment - Prostitution and Sex Trafficking - Defending Ourselves - Ending Violence Against Women

Relationships and Sexuality

9: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
Introduction - Challenging Sex and Gender - Gender Identity: What We Call Ourselves - Transgender - Transsexual - Sexual Orientation: What We Call Ourselves - Bisexuality - Coming Out To Ourselves - Coming Out To Family, Friends, and the World - Homophobia, Heterosexism, and Transphobia

10: Relationships with Men
“The Personal Is Political” and Feminism’s Third Wave - Being Single - Personal Power and Relationships - Intimacy: Understanding Some of the Barriers - Commitment, Monogamy, and Marriage - Making It Work: Shared Power - Creative Tension

11: Relationships with Women
Finding Love - Building Healthy Relationships - Seeking Equality with Our Partners - Honoring Our Differences - Creating Supportive Communities - Navigating Homophobia and Heterosexism - Getting Support Raising Our Children - Making a Commitment

12: Sexuality
Social Influences - Sexual Pleasure - Variations in Desire - Sexual Arousal and Response - Orgasm - G-Spot and Female Ejaculation - Masturbation - Medications, Hormones, and Sexuality - Sexual Expressions - Virginity - Communicating About Sex - Sex and Disability

Sexual Health

13: Sexual Anatomy, Reproduction, and the Menstrual Cycle
Sexual Anatomy: The Self-Guided Tour - Stops On the Tour - Our Breasts - Menstruation and Reproduction - Broad Strokes - Menarche to Menopause - The Basics of Eggs and Bleeding - Menstrual Cycles as a Vital Sign - Fertility Awareness - Using the Fertility Awareness Method for Natural Birth Control or Pregnancy Achievement - What Do We Do With Our Menstrual Flow? - It’s Your Period - How Do You Own It? - Menstrual Changes, Including PMS

14: Safer Sex
Why Safer Sex? - Talk the Talk - Safer-Sex Guidelines - Activity-Specific Safe Sex Tips -Condoms 101 - Can’t I Just Use My Diaphragm or My Birth Control Pills? - Challenges to Using Protection - I Had Unsafe Sex: What Should I Do?

15: Sexually Transmitted Infections
What Are STIs? - How Are STIs Transmitted? - What’s the Connection Between HIV and Other STIs? - What Are the Symptoms of STIs? - Can STIs Be Cured? - How Likely Am I to Get an STI? - STIs and Female Genital Cutting (Circumcision) - What Can I Do if I Think I Have An STI? - Getting Care and Treatment- Obstacles to Overcome - STIs and The Law - Pregnancy and STIs - Living With Herpes - Living With HPV and Genital Warts - Other STIs - Social and Political Issues - We Need Better Protection - We Need STI Education and Services

16: HIV and AIDS
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic - Women and HIV/AIDS - Taking Care of Ourselves - HIV Transmission - Protecting Ourselves from HIV - HIV - Safe IV Needle Use - HIV Symptoms and Testing - Living With HIV/AIDS - Treatment Options - HIV and Pregnancy - Personal Issues

Reproductive Choices

17: Considering Parenting
Making a Decision - Considering the Question - Common Challenges - If You and Your Partner Disagree - If You Decide Not To Have a Child - Paths to Parenthood - Conceiving A Child - Adoption - Families and Parents Need A Lot of Support

18: Birth Control
Introduction - Reproductive Rights Not Guaranteed - New Research - Some Obstacles to Getting Birth Control and Using it Well - Birth Control - Who Protects Our Interests? - Men and Birth Control - How Pregnancy Happens - Choosing a Method of Birth Control - Teens and Birth Control - Dual Protection - Woman-Controlled Methods for Birth Control and STI/HIV Prevention - Effectiveness and Safety - Barrier Methods - Male Condoms (Rubbers, Prophylactics, or Safes) - The Female Condom - Diaphragm - Cervical Cap - Spermicides - Hormonal Methods - The Pill - Oral Contraceptives - Mini-Pills (Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptives) - Contraceptives Patch - Vaginal Ring - Injectable Contraceptives - Monthly Injection (Lunelle) - Three-Month Shot (Depo-Provera) - Implants - IUD/Sterilization - Tubal Ligation (Female Sterilization) - Vasectomy - Experimental Male Contraceptives - Abstinence - Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) and Other Natural Methods - Breast-Feeding as Birth Control - Withdrawal (Pulling Out) - Emergency Contraception

19: Unexpected Pregnancy
Signs of Pregnancy - Finding Out - The Test - It Is Confirmed: You Are Pregnant - Deciding What to Do - Whom To Turn To - Abortion - Carrying To Term

20: Abortion
Finding An Abortion Provider - Abortion Methods - Medication Abortion - Vacuum Aspiration Abortion - Second-Trimester Abortion - Dilation and Evacuation - Induction Abortion -Aftercare - Symptoms to Watch for After Any Abortion - Abortion Outside A Medical Context - History of Abortion in the U.S. - When Abortion Was a Crime - Making Illegal Abortion Safer - Organizing to Change the Law - Legality and Accessibility - Reproductive Freedom Vs. Population Control - Taking Action


21: Pregnancy
Creating a Climate of Confidence For Pregnancy and Birth - Your Pregnancy - Choosing a Practitioner and Place For Your Birth - Finding A Provider - Birth Places - The First Trimester (Weeks 1 to 14) - Taking Care of Yourself - Substances to Avoid - Learning About Pregnancy - Tests During Pregnancy - Second Trimester (Weeks 14 to 28) - Third Trimester (Weeks 28 to Beginning of Labor) - Preparing For Labor - Special Considerations - You Are Ready for Birth

22: Childbirth
Labor and Birth - Approaching Labor - What Causes Labor and When it Begins - Signs of Labor - Labor Begins and Early Labor - Active Labor - Giving Birth - Your Baby Is Born - Suckling - Cutting the Chord - The First Hours and Days After the Baby is Born - Situations That Require Medical Resources - Meeting the Challenges of Labor and Birth - Strategies to Ease Labor - Routine Medical Procedures and Interventions During Childbirth - Pain and Pharmacological Methods of Pain Relief - Two Mechanical Ways To Assist Birth - Birth By Cesarean Section - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Birth (VBAC) - Afterward

23: The First Year of Parenting
Becoming a Mother - For Women Who Have Given Birth - For Women Who Have Adopted - Breast-feeding Your Baby - The Health and Well-Being of Mothers - Thoughts and Feelings - Conclusion

24: Child-Bearing Loss
Miscarriage - Ectopic and Molar Pregnancies - Multiple Gestation Pregnancies - Loss After Prenatal Diagnosis - Stillbirth - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - Coping With Loss - Subsequent Pregnancy

25: Infertility and Assisted Reproduction
What Is Infertility? - Getting Started When You Have Concerns About (In)fertility - Causes of Infertility - Changing Diagnosis and Treatments - Diagnosis - Treatment - Donor Insemination - High-Tech Assisted Reproductive Technologies - Drawing the Line

Growing Older

26: Midlife and Menopause
The Middle Years - Exploration and Growth - Menopause: Our “Change of Life” - What Happens During Menopause - Hormone Therapy - Other Medical Options - Is Menopause Really a Medical Issue? - Hormones and Bone Density - Hormones and Mood-Hormones and Eyes - Finding the Right Health Care Provider - Sexuality and Aging - Taking Care of Ourselves: Preventive Health - Social and Political Issues

27: Our Later Years
Introduction - Feminization of Aging - Retirement - Loss of a Partner - Getting Medical Care - Physical Impairments and Chronic Conditions - Caregiving and Needing Care - Living Arrangements - Elder Abuse - End-of-Life Decisions - Survival Skills

Medical Problems and Procedures

28: Unique to Women
Routine Physical Exam and Basic Tests - Diagnostic Tests and Treatments - Benign Breast Conditions - Screening for Breast Cancer - Breast Lumps - Breast Cancer Risk - Breast Cancer: Treatment - Benign Uterine Conditions - DES - Endometriosis - Fibroids (Leiomyomas, Myomas) - Ovarian Cysts - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - Cervical Cancer - Ovarian Cancer - Uterine Cancer - Hysterectomy And Oophorectomy - Other Pelvic Conditions - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - Pelvic Relaxation and Uterine Prolapse - Vagina and Vulva - Vaginal Infections - Vulvitis - Vulvodynia - Vulvar Cancer - Other Vaginal Infections

29: Special Concerns for Women
Anemia - Arthritis - Autoimmune Disorders - Chronic Fatigue Immunodeficiency Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis - Chronic Pain Conditions - Cardiovascular Problems - Colorectal Cancer - Diabetes - Multiple Chemical Sensitivities - Surgery - Trichotillomania - Urinary Conditions - Von Willebrand Disease

Knowledge is Power

30: Navigating the Health Care System
Our Rights as Patients - How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet - Barriers to Getting Health Care - A Female or Male Provider? - Enforcing Our Rights

31: The Politics of Women’s Health
The Politics of Women’s Health In the United States - Emerging Biotechnologies - Women’s Health Around the Globe

32: Organizing for Change
Introduction - Getting Together - Principles of Successful Organizing - Resources and Tactics - Examples of Organizing For Change - Moving Forward

Production Team, Authorship and Acknowledgments
About the Contributors

*作成:箱田 徹
フェミニズム (feminism)/家族/性… 女性学(women's studies) 身体×世界:関連書籍  ◇BOOK
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