Academic Skills Problems: Direct Assessment and Intervention

Shapiro, Edward S. 2004 Guilford Pubn, Guilford School Practitioner Series, 3版, 370p.

last update:20180228


■Shapiro, Edward S. 2004 Academic Skills Problems: Direct Assessment and Intervention, Third Edition, Guilford Pubn, Guilford School Practitioner Series, 370p. ISBN-10: 1572309776 ISBN-13: 978-1572309777 欠品 [amazon] [kinokuniya] ※ m


This bestselling text provides a comprehensive framework for the direct assessment of academic skills. Presented is a readily applicable, four-step approach for working with students experiencing a range of difficulties with reading, spelling, written language, or math. School-based practitioners are guided sequentially through assessment of the instructional environment, assessment of instructional placement, instructional modification, and progress monitoring. Available separately is a companion workbook containing helpful practice exercises and reproducible forms.


Choosing Targets for Academic Assessment and Remediation.
Step 1: Assessing the Academic Environment.
Step 2: Assessing Instructional Placement.
Step 3: Instructional Modification I: General Strategies.
Step 3: Instructional Modification II: Specific Skills Areas.
Step 4: Progress Monitoring.
Case Illustrations.




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UP: 20180228
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