A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics

David Nugent and Joan Vincent 2004 Blackwell Publishing,500p.


■ David Nugent and Joan Vincent 2004 A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics Blackwell Publishing,500p.ISBN-10:1405161906 \5201 [amazon]  [kinokuniya]※ er s03


Introduction           Joan Vincent
1 Affective State        Ann Laura Stoler
2 After Socialism        Katherie verdery
3 Aids             Brooke Grundfest Schoepf
4 Citizenship         Aihwa Ong
5 Cosmopolitanism       Ulf Hannerz
6 Development         Marc Edleman and Angelique Hangerud
7 Displacement         Elizabeth Colson
8 Feminism           Malathi de Alwis
9 gender, race, and Class   Genetic Citienship
10 Genetic Citizenship    Deborah Health, Rayna Rapp, and karen Sue-Taussig
11 The Global City       Saskia Sassen
12 Golobalization        Jonathan Fredman
13 Gorvening States       David Nugent
14 Hegemony           Cavin Smith
15 Human Rights         Richard Ashby Wilson
16 Identity           Arturo Escobar
17 Imagining Nation       Akhil Gupta
18Infrapolitics         Steven Gregory
19 Mafias            Jane C and Peter T. Scheider
20 Militraization        Catherine Lutz
21 Neoliberalism        John Gledhill
22 Popular Justice       Robert Gordon
23 Postcolonialism       K.Sivaranankrishnan
24 Power topographies      James Ferguson
25 Race technologies      Thomas Biolsi
26 Sovereignty         Caroline Humphery
27 Transnational Civil Society June Nash
28 Transnatonality       Nina Gick Schiller

*作成:近藤 宏
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