
Shore, Stephen M. 20030131 Beyond the Wall: Personal Experiences with Autism and Asperger Syndrome, 2 rev, Autism Asperger Publishing Company, 242p.
=20041007 森由美子 訳,学習研究社,318p.


■Shore, Stephen M. 20030115 Beyond the Wall :Personal Experiences with Autism and Asperger Syndrome, 2 rev, Autism Asperger Publishing Company, 242p. =20041007 森由美子 訳 『壁のむこうへ――自閉症の私の人生』,学習研究社,318p. ISBN-10: 4054025048 ISBN-13: 978-4054025042 \2625 [amazon][kinokuniya]



アメリカのアスペルガー症候群の男性・Stephen Shore 氏の半生記。幼児期から青年期への出来事や思い出、体験。Beyond The Wall の翻訳。精神医学、障害児教育等にとって、自閉症者の内面を知る貴重な文献でもある。


子どものころからの生いたち、学校、ガールフレンドとの経験、そして結婚!! 自閉の本人が率直に語る元気の出る本!! その個性的な感覚の世界と健常者との壁。

Product Description

This honest, courageous book, written by a person with high-functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome, offers so much more than the traditional autobiography. Drawing on personal and professional experience, Stephen Shore combines three voices to create a touching and, at the same time, highly informative book for professionals as well as individuals who have Asperger Syndrome. Get a unique perspective on AS across the years!

■目次 ■引用



*作成:三野 宏治
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自閉症 autism  ◇身体×世界:関連書籍  ◇BOOK
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