Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program

Crone, Deanne A.; Horner, Robert H.; Hawken, Leanne S. 2003 The Guilford Press,129p.

last update:20180115


■Crone, Deanne A.; Horner, Robert H.; Hawken, Leanne S. 2003 Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program,The Guilford Press,129p. ISBN-10:1572309407 ISBN-13:9781572309401  [amazon][kinokuniya]




Providing a time- and cost-effective framework for responding to moderate problem behavior and preventing the development of more serious difficulties, this book addresses a core need of elementary and middle school practitioners and educators. The Behavior Education Program is designed to help the 10-15% of students who fail to meet school-wide disciplinary expectations but do not require the highest level of behavior support. No lengthy assessment process is required and groups of up to 30 students can participate, with minimal time and training demands on teachers and staff. Clear guidelines are delineated for conducting this proactive, research-based intervention that incorporates daily behavioral feedback, positive adult attention, and increased home-school collaboration. Presented in a large-size format with lay-flat binding to facilitate photocopying, the volume contains case examples and all needed resources for implementation, including reproducible daily progress reports, student handouts, and planning tools.

Note: A more intensive intervention for students with chronic or severe problem behavior is presented in the complementary volume, Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools.


"This book fills a critical need for supporting students before behavior problems become severe enough to require intensive, expensive support systems. The authors have produced a very clear 'how-to' manual for practitioners, administrators, and other behavior support team members. With case study examples, problem-solving activities, and reproducible forms, the volume provides everything needed to develop and implement the program. - Don Kincaid, University of South Florida; The BEP has become an important component of effective schoolwide systems of positive behavior support in Illinois. This book's practical format and detailed coverage of all the 'whys,' 'hows,' and 'what ifs' of implementation make it an essential reference for school teams and an excellent tool for trainers. - Lucille Eber, Positive Behavior intervention and Supports Network of Illinois; This accessible book reflects the authors' ongoing commitment to disseminating conceptually sound, evidence-based approaches to the prevention of learning and behavior problems in school settings. Implementing the BEP is in keeping with the notion that, with diminishing time and resources, school practitioners must work 'smarter not harder' to address increasing"


Deanne A. Crone, PhD, is Assistant Professor of School Psychology at the University of Oregon.

Robert H. Horner, PhD, is Professor of Special Education at the University of Oregon and director of Educational Community Supports (ECS), a College of Education research unit.

Leanne S. Hawken, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Utah.


1. Introduction to the Behavior Education Program.
2. The Context for Positive Behavior Support in Schools.
3. The Basic BEP: Critical Features and Processes.
4. Identification of Students for the BEP.
5. Getting a BEP System Started.
6. The Modified BEP: Adaptations and Elaborations.
7. Frequently Asked Questions about Implementation of the BEP.




*作成:岩ア 弘泰
UP:20180115 REV:
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