Teacher's Guides to Inclusive Practices Student-Directed Learning

Agran, Martin; Sears-King, Margaret; Wehmeyer, Michael L.; Copeland, Susan R. 2003 Paul H Brookes Pub Co, Teachers' Guides to Inclusive Practices, 122p.

last update:20180228


■Agran, Martin; Sears-King, Margaret; Wehmeyer, Michael L.; Copeland, Susan R. 2003 Teacher's Guides to Inclusive Practices Student-Directed Learning,Paul H Brookes Pub Co, Teachers' Guides to Inclusive Practices, 122p. ISBN-10: 1557666210 ISBN-13: 978-1557666215 欠品 [amazon] [kinokuniya] ※ m


This volume offers specific teaching strategies for helping students learn self-monitoring, self-evaluation, picture cues, self-instruction, problem solving and other student-directed learning strategies.


Chapter 1 Student-Directed Learning Strategies and Inclusive Practices
Chapter 2 Antecedent Cue Regulation and Picture Cues
Chapter 3 Self-Instruction
Chapter 4 Self-Monitoring
Chapter 5 Self-Evaluation and Self-Reinforcement
Chapter 6 Success in the Inclusive Classroom and Access to the General Curriculum




*作成:焦 岩
UP: 20180228
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