Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying, 3rd Edition

Humphry, Derek 20021126 Delta; 3rd edition,220p.

last update:20200111


■Humphry, Derek 20021126 Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying, 3rd Edition,Delta; 3rd edition,220p. ISBN-10:0385336535 ISBN-13:978-0385336536 $10.99 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※  d01



Published 2002, the revised, 3rd edition of the bestseller "Final Exit" describes the ways in which a dying person may consider hastening the end of their life if suffering is unbearable. Laws and ethics are outlined in a straightforward fashion. Drug dosage tables and the latest inert gas technique of 'self-deliverance' are explained, with illustrations.

Bantam Dell published an updated version in April 2010, known as edition 3.1


1. The Most Difficult Decision
2. Shopping For The Right Doctor
3. Beware Of The Law
4. The Hospice Option
5. The Cyanide Enigma
6. Death- Hollywood Style?
7. Bizarre Ways To Die
8. The Dilemma Of Quadriplegics
9. Self Starvation
10. The Will To Die And Miracle Cures
11. Storing Drugs
12. Who Shall Know?
13. Insurance
14. Will There Be An Autopsy?
15. A Private Affair?
16. Support Groups For The Dying
17. Letters To Be Written
18. How Do You Get The Magic Pills?
19. Self-Deliverance Via The Plastic Bag
20. Going Together?
21. When Is The Time To Die
22. The Final Act
23. A Check List

1. Justifinabole Euthanasia
2. A Doctor's Suicide Machine
3. Euthanaia By Physicians
4. Nurses On The Frontline
5. Methods Reviewed




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