
Hall, Kenneth 200012 Asperger Syndrome, the Universe and Everything, Jessica Kingsley Publishers,109p.
=20011215 野坂悦子 訳,東京書籍,125p.


■Hall, Kenneth 200012 Asperger Syndrome, the Universe and Everything, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 109p. =20011215 野坂悦子 訳 『ぼくのアスペルガー症候群――もっと知ってよぼくらのことを』,東京書籍,125p. ISBN-10: 4487796822 ISBN-13: 978-4487796823 \1365 [amazon][kinokuniya]



Product Description

Kenneth Hall was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at the age of eight. His early school years had been difficult, as although he is bright and articulate, his behavior could be challenging and easily misread. After his diagnosis, the Local Education Board intervened and provided him with a laptop computer, to encourage him to express himself. This book is the result. Kenneth is in a unique position to describe some of the inner experiences and perceptions of autism in childhood. He has a warm and positive attitude to Asperger's Syndrome which other children will find inspiring. Insights, struggles and joys are recounted vividly in a frank and humorous way. His book is for anyone interested in understanding more about autism, including parents, siblings, teachers and professionals.

■目次 ■引用



*作成:三野 宏治
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自閉症 autism  ◇身体×世界:関連書籍  ◇BOOK
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