Religious Studies: The Making of a Discipline

Capps, Walter H. 20001105 Fortress Press ,396p.

last update:20200116


■Capps, Walter H. 20001105 Religious Studies: The Making of a Discipline,Fortress Press,396p. ISBN-10:0800625358 ISBN-13:978-0800625351 $27.39 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ p



The author nationally recognized for the quality and depth of his teaching in religious studies has written the first full-scale introduction to the history and methods of the study of religion.


Preface xi
Introduction xiii
The Essence of Religion 1 (52)
The Origin of Religion 53 (52)
The Description of Religion 105 (52)
The Function of Religion 157 (52)
The Language of Religion 209 (58)
The Comparison of Religions 267 (64)
The Future of Religious Studies 331 (18)
Bibliography 349 (12)
Index 361 (28)




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哲学/政治哲学(political philosophy)/倫理学 身体×世界:関連書籍  ◇BOOK
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