God and Global Justice: Religion and Poverty in an Unequal World

Ferre, Frederick; Mataragnon, Rita H. eds. 19990217  Paragon House,224p.

last update:20191231


■Ferre, Frederick; Mataragnon, Rita H. eds. 19990217 God and Global Justice: Religion and Poverty in an Unequal World,Paragon House,224p. ISBN-10: 0913757373 ISBN-13:978-0913757376 欠品 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ c08



Part One God and the Human Community
1 God and Global Community
2 Power, Peace, and the Possibility of Survival
3 God and the National State
4 Divine Discontent: Religious Vision and Human Transformation

Part Two Rich and Poor Nations
5 Religion and Economic Development
6 The Relationship between Development and New Religious Movement in the Tribal Societies of the Third World
7 The Mission of the Churches Amid the Social Reality of Rich and Poor Nations
8 God Is Parent: Rich and Poor Nations Are Siblings

Part Three God of the Poor and Oppressed
9 God of the Rich, God of the Poor
10 The Biblical God from the Perspective of the Poor
11 God's Cause for the Poor in Light of the Christian Tradition
12 The God of the Oppressed and the God Who Is Empty




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