Mental Retardation in the 21st Century

Wehmeyer, Michael L.; Patton, James R. 1999 Pro Ed, 457p.

last update:20180131


■Wehmeyer, Michael L.; Patton, James R. 1999 Mental Retardation in the 21st Century,Pro Ed, 457p. ISBN-10: 0890798192 ISBN-13: 978-0890798195 欠品 [amazon] [kinokuniya]



SECTION I Family Issues
 Family Support: Retrospective and Prospective
 The Parent Movement in Mental Retardation
SECTION II Education Issues
 Early Childhood Intervention: Evolution of a System
 Transition and Youth with Mental Retardation: Past, Present, and Future
 Educating Students with Mild Mental Retardation
 Serving Persons with Severe and Profound Disabilities: A Work in Progress
SECTION III Employment and Residential Issues
 Supported Employment in 2000: Changing the Locus of Control from Agency to Consumer
Where We Are Now: Perspectives on Employment of Persons with Mental Retardation From Unit D to the Community: A Dream to Fulfill
SECTION IV Issues in Psychology
 Positive Behavior Supports
 Psychopharmacology and Mental Retardation
 Health Conditions Contributing to Problem Behavior Among People with Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
SECTION V Issues in Medicine and Health
 Genetics and Gene Therapies
 Health Promotion and Disability Prevention: The Case for Personal Responsibility and
 Community-Based and Managed Health Care
 Toward a Brighter Future for Persons with Down Syndrome
SECTION VI Life Span Issues
 Communication, Assistive Technology, and Mental Retardation
 Riding the Third Wave: Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy in the 21st Century
 Three Decades of Quality of Life
SECTION VII Policy Issues
 Transforming Service Delivery Systems in the States
 Social Constructions of Mental Retardation: Impersonal Histories and the Hope for Personal Futures
 Criminal Justice and Mental Retardation: A Journalist's Notebook
 Newly in Pursuit of an Old Philosophy: Rebalancing Liberty, Equality, and Community
 Mental Retardation in the 21st Century
Author Index
Subject Index




*作成:焦 岩
UP: 20180131
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