The Handbook of Health Behavior Change

Shumaker, Sally A.; Schron, Eleanor B.; Ockene, Judith K.; McBee, Wendy L. 19980901 Springer Pub Co, Subsequent edition, 607p.

last update:20171130


■Shumaker, Sally A.; Schron, Eleanor B.; Ockene, Judith K.; McBee, Wendy L. 19980901 The Handbook of Health Behavior Change, Springer Pub Co, Subsequent edition, 607p. ISBN-10: 0826167810 ISBN-13: 978-0826167811 欠品 [amazon] [kinokuniya]


The demands of managed care and wellness programs require that practitioners and researchers find effective models for behavior change. This handbook has been updated to direct both care providers and policy makers to the most promising prevention and wellness therapies.This second edition includes important findings on prevention topics like smoking cessation and addictions; adherence issues among patients with chronic diseases; and relapse behaviors. Issues associated with HIV are also given special emphasis, as well as behavior change in special populations, including teenagers and ethic groups. Together, these chapters constitute a report on the state of behavior change therapy and the most reliable research results in the field.


Section I Behavior Change and Maintenance: Theory and Measurement
 1 Theoretical Models and Strategies for Improving Adherence and Disease Management
 2 Relapse Prevention and the Maintenance of Optimal Health
 3 The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior
 4 Models for Provider-Patient Interaction: Applications to Health Behavior Change
 5 Measuring Adherence With Medication Regimens in Clinical Care and Research
Section II Lifestyle Interventions and Maintenance of Behaviors
 6 Adherence to Treatment for Nicotine Dependence
 7 Promoting Dietary Change
 8 Adherence to Physical Activity Recommendations and Interventions
 9 Adoption and Maintenance of Safer Sexual Practices
 10 Intervention Elements Promoting Adherence to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programs in the Clinical Behavioral Medicine Setting
Section III Obstacles to Lifestyle Change and Adherence
 11 Biological Obstacles to Adoption and Maintenance of Health-Promoting Behaviors
 12 Improving Physicians' Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines: Enhancing Primary Care Practice
 13 Adolescent Tobacco Use and the Social Context
Section IV Lifestyle Change and Adherence Issues Within Specific Populations
 14 Lifestyle Interventions for the Young
 15 Problems With Adherence in the Elderly
 16 Adherence Issues Among Adolescents With Chronic Disease
Section V Lifestyle Change and Adherence Issues Among Patients With Chronic Disease
 17 Co-Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
 18 Issues in Diabetes Self-Management
 19 Adherence Issues Among Cancer Patients
Section VI Adherence Issues in Clinical Trials
 20 Prerandomization Compliance Screening: A Statistician's View
 21 Predictors of Patient Adherence: Patient Characteristics
Section VII Lifestyle Change and Adherence: The Broader Context
 22 Adherence and the Placebo Effect
 23 Collaboration Between Professionals and Mediating Structures in the Community: Toward a "Third Way" in Health Promotion
 24 Ethical Issues in Lifestyle Change and Adherence




*作成:焦 岩
UP: 20171130
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