Transitions in Prelinguistic Communication

Wetherby, Amy M.; Warren, Steven F.; Reichle, Joe 1998 Paul H Brookes Pub Co, 482p.

last update:20180131


■Wetherby, Amy M.; Warren, Steven F.; Reichle, Joe 1998 Transitions in Prelinguistic Communication,Paul H Brookes Pub Co, 482p. ISBN-10: 1557662622 ISBN-13: 978-1557662620 欠品 [amazon] [kinokuniya]


Of the 18 contributions, an equal number address the emergence of intentional/symbolic communication and assessment and intervention issues. The first part covers such topics as: the roles of play and adult responsivity in linguistic development. The second half includes: the role of caregivers in the assessment process, and facilitation of the transition to linguistic communication. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.


Series Preface
Editorial Advisory Board
 Chapter 1 Introduction to Transitions in Prelinguistic Communication
PART I Emergence of Intentional and Symbolic Communication
 Chapter 2 Coordinating Attention to People, Objects, and Language
 Chapter 3 Does Adult Responsivity to Child Behavior Facilitate Communication Development?
 Chapter 4 Communicative Transitions: There's More to the Hand than Meets the Eye
 Chapter 5 Role of Babbling and Phonology in Early Linguistic Development
 Chapter 6 Nonverbal Communication, Affect, and Social-Emotional Development
 Chapter 7 The Ontogeny and Role of Repair Strategies
 Chapter 8 Intentionality and the Role of Play in the Transition to Language
 Chapter 9 The Transition to Symbolic Communication
PART II Assessment and Intervention Issues
 Chapter 10 Clinical Assessment of Emerging Language: How To Gather Evidence and Make Informed Decisions
 Chapter 11 Role of Caregivers in the Assessment Process
 Chapter 12 Prelinguistic Dynamic Assessment: A Transactional Perspective
 Chapter 13 Comprehensive Behavioral Support: Assessment Issues and Strategies
 Chapter 14 Comprehensive Behavioral Support: Application and Intervention
 Chapter 15 Facilitating the Transition from Preintentional to Intentional Communication
 Chapter 16 Facilitating the Transition from Prelinguistic to Linguistic Communication
 Chapter 17 Implementing Augmentative Communication Systems
 Chapter 18 Facilitating Transitions Across Home, Community, Work, and School
Author Index
Subject Index




*作成:焦 岩
UP: 20180131
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