
Mason, Roger 1998 The Economics of Conspicuous Consumption: Theory and Thought since 1700,Edward Elgar Pub
=20001020 鈴木 信雄・橋本 努・高 哲男,名古屋大学出版会,242p.

last update:20110311


■Mason, Roger 1998 The Economics of Conspicuous Consumption: Theory and Thought since 1700,Edward Elgar Pub =20001020 鈴木 信雄・橋本 努・高 哲男 『顕示的消費の経済学』,名古屋大学出版会,242p. ISBN-10:4815803919 ISBN-13:978-4815803919 \3780 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※




Book Description
A feature of the new consumer societies which has emerged in more recent years has been the growing economic and social importance of conspicuous consumption. Status-directed consumer demand, stimulated and promoted by the supply of products and services marketed as symbols of social identity and style, now represents a significant part of overall economic and commercial activity. Once regarded as a form of consumer behavior associated only with the rich and privileged, conspicuous consumption is today a worldwide phenomenon, easily observed at all social and economic levels and a major determinant of the nature and direction of consumer demand. The origins of modern-day conspicuous consumption can be traced to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to a time when the first consumer societies were being established. And as these new markets emerged, so economics struggled to come to terms with a form of socially-inspired consumer behavior with which it felt instinctively uneasy. Roger Mason traces the development of economic theory and thought since 1700 in its attempts to accommodate a new economics of conspicuous consumption This enlightening book will be of much interest to scholars, researchers and students of consumer behavior in economic theory, and will also be welcomed by those in the disciplines of sociology, psychology and business studies.
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About the Author
Professor of Consumer Theory, University of Salford, UK
--このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
1940年生。マンチェスター大学卒業後、シェフィールド大学を経て、現在、サルフォード大学の消費論の教授として活躍中。消費論や経済思想史の分野で数多くの論文を執筆しているほか、主な著者としてConspicuous Consumption;A Study of Exceptional Consumer Behaviour(1981)やRobert Giffen and The Giffen Paradox(1989)などがある(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです)


第1章 新しき消費社会
第2章 ジョン・レーの奢侈的消費論
第3章 一九世紀における経済学の潮流と奢侈的消費論
第4章 顕示的消費行動に対する新古典派的見解
第5章 ソースティン・ヴェブレンと金ピカ時代
第6章 変化への抵抗
第7章 需要の再考―外部効果と相対所得仮説
第8章 消費理論と豊かさの経済学
第9章 新しい消費理論に向けて
第10章 展望





*作成:樋口 也寸志
UP:20110311 REV:
橋本 努 ◇経済(学) economics身体×世界:関連書籍 2000-2004  ◇BOOK
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