Bioethics is Love of Life: An Alternative Textbook

Macer, Darryl R. J. 1998 Eubios Ethics Institute,158p.

last update:20200309


■Macer, Darryl R. J. 1998 Bioethics is Love of Life: An Alternative Textbook,Eubios Ethics Institute,158p. ISBN-10:0908897138 ISBN-13:978-0908897131 欠品 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ be



1. Love as a Common Basis for Life
2. What Is Love?
3. Theories of Biothics and Love
4. Love of Our Own Life
5. Love, Culture and Relationships
6. No Boundaries to Love, and Animals
7. Love of Nature and Environmental Ethics
8. Universality of Bioethics




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