
Sen, Amartya K. with James E. Foster (1997), On Economic Inequality, Expanded ed., with a Substantial Annexe by James E. Foster and Amartya Sen., Clarendon Press.
= 20000727 鈴村 興太郎・須賀 晃一訳, 東洋経済新報社, 298p.


Sen, Amartya K. with James E. Foster (1997), On Economic Inequality, Expanded ed., with a Substantial Annexe by James E. Foster and Amartya Sen., Clarendon Press. = 20000727 鈴村 興太郎・須賀 晃一訳, 『不平等の経済学――ジェームズ・フォスター,アマルティア・センによる補論「四半世紀後の『不平等の経済学』」を含む拡大版』,東洋経済新報社, 298p.  ISBN: 4492312803 /3675円 [amazon]


第1章 厚生経済学・功利主義・衡平性
第2章 不平等の測度
第3章 準順序としての不平等測度
第4章 勤労度・必要度・不平等度
補論  四半世紀後の『不平等の経済学』
  A.1 展望と動機
  A.2 不平等と厚生
  A.3 厚生関数:全員一致と優越
  A.4 相対的不平等:測度と準順序
  A.5 関数構造と整合性
  A.6 不平等と所得に関する貧困度
  A.7 定義空間・潜在能力・不平等

 “Suppose we are considering the division of a cake. Assuming that each person prefers to have more of the cake rather than less of it, every possible distribution will be Pareto optimal, because any change that makes someone better off is going to make someone else worse off. Since the only issue in this problem is that of distribution, Pareto optimality has no cutting power at all. The almost single-minded concern of modern welfare economics with Pareto optimality does not make that engaging branch of study particularly suitable for investigating problems of inequality.”(Sen[1973/1997])

 以下はその訳文 (杉山武彦訳の初版本より抜粋)


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