Basic Concepts for Qualitative Research

Holloway, Immy 1997 Wiley-Blackwell, 208p.

last update:20180228


■Holloway, Immy 1997 Basic Concepts for Qualitative Research, Wiley-Blackwell, 208p. ISBN-10: 0632041730 ISBN-13: 978-0632041732 欠品 [amazon] [kinokuniya] ※ m


With the move towards evidence-based practice and emphasis placed on multidisciplinary research teams, there is a growing use of qualitative research methods. Qualitative research looks at processes as well as outcomes and enables data to be gathered on a range of human experience, taking a person-centred and holistic approach. Basic Concepts for Qualitative Research is a highly accessible text which provides researchers with quick access to descriptions and explanations of the concepts and methods used in qualitative research. The book's entries are ordered alphabetically for quick and easy access to the information. Links are included in each entry so that the reader can follow a particular line of enquiry. Suggested further reading is included to encourage deeper exploration of a particular approach or method. It will provide a comprehensive range of the most commonly used terms and methods within qualitative research.


Qualitative Research: An Overview.
Key to Highlighted Terms.
Alphabetical List of Terms and Concepts.
Books for qualitative researchers.




*作成:焦 岩
UP: 20180228
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