
Bernstein, Basil 1996 Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity: Theory, Research, Critique,Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education, Taylor & Francis
=200010 久冨 善之・長谷川 裕・山崎 鎮親・小玉 重夫・小沢 浩明訳,『"教育"の社会学理論――象徴統制、"教育"の言説、アイデンティティ』,法政大学出版局,404p.


■Bernstein, Basil 1996 Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity: Theory, Research, Critique,Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education, Taylor & Francis=200010 久冨 善之・長谷川 裕・山崎 鎮親・小玉 重夫・小沢 浩明訳,『"教育"の社会学理論――象徴統制、"教育"の言説、アイデンティティ』,法政大学出版局,404p. ISBN-10: 4588006940 ISBN-13: 978-4588006944 \4935 [amazon][kinokuniya] p0601



第1部 “教育”の社会学理論をめざして(“教育”コードとその実践における諸様態;“教育”装置;知識の“教育”化―再文脈化過程の探求;三科と四科についての諸考察―知者からの知識の分離)
第2部 理論に照らした実証/実証に照らした理論(コード理論とその実証研究;実証研究と記述の言語)
第3部 批判と応答(社会言語学―個人的見解;エドワーズと言語コード論―エドワーズの回答を含む;言説、知識の構造、そして場―恣意的ないくつかの考察;コード理論とその位置づけ―ある誤解のケース)


Book Description
This book, the fifth in the series developing Bernstein's code theory, presents a lucid account of the most recent developments of this code theory and, importantly, shows the close relation between this development and the empirical research to which the theory has given rise. "Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity" addresses the central issue of Bernstein's research project: are there any general principles underlying the transformation of knowledge into pedagogic communication? In Bernstein's view, we have studied only pedagogic messages and their institutional and ideological base. We have not studied the nature of the relay which makes messages possible. The discussion of this research forms part II of this book, where Bernstein makes explicit the methodology of the research and, in particular, the crucial significance of languages of description. This new edition of Bernstein's classic book is updated with three new chapters: on discourse, on official knowledge and identities, and a wide ranging interview with Joseph Solomon. The new edition, published as Volume Five in his "Class, Codes, and Control Series", builds on the continuing tradition of Bernstein's highly influential work on class, education, language, and society.

■著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)


山崎 鎮親

小沢 浩明

About the Author
Basil Bernstein was the Karl Mannheim Professor of the Sociology of Education, University of London until 1990 when he became Emeritus Professor of the Sociology of Education.


小内 透

◇橋口 昌治 200908 「格差・貧困に関する本の紹介」, 立岩 真也編『税を直す――付:税率変更歳入試算+格差貧困文献解説』,青土社

*作成:橋口 昌治 
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