Equity: In Theory and Practice
Young, H. Peyton 199508 Princeton University Press,253p.
■Young, H. Peyton 199508 Equity: In Theory and Practice,Princeton University Press,253p. (ペーパーバック版) ISBN-10: 0691044643 ISBN-13: 978-0691044644 4469 [amazon]
Governments and institutions, perhaps even more than markets, determine who gets what in our society. They make the crucial choices about who pays the taxes, who gets into college, who gets medical care, who gets drafted, where the hazardous waste dump is sited, and how much we pay for public services. Debate about these issues inevitably centers on the question of whether the solution is "fair." In this book, H. Peyton Young offers a systematic explanation of what we mean by fairness in distributing public resources and burdens, and applies the theory to actual cases.
1. Overview
2. Equity and Priority
3. Equity as Near as May Be
4. Equity, Equality, and Proportionality
5. Cost Sharing
6. Progressive Taxation
7. Fair Bargains
8. Fair Process
9. Equity, Envy, and Efficiency
10. Conclusion
"This book provides a rich survey of concepts of equity and points out the need for special methods for particular cases, many of them original with the author. The need for careful analysis of the value presuppositions is brought out in a clear and creative presentation."--Kenneth J. Arrow, Stanford University
"Young has written an exciting book on the question of who gets what in contemporary society, and whether such outcomes are fair. Students of social justice throughout the social sciences and philosophy will learn much from this book."--Nathan Keyfitz, Harvard University
"A concise, clearly written introduction to the alternative principles of equity in practical and topical contexts.... Young's concern is with what he calls 'equity in the small' or 'macro justice': solutions to everyday problems as distinguished from the goals of social philosophers seeking to establish basic principles for sharing the fruits of social cooperation."--Robert E. Kuenne, The Southern Economic Journal