Developmental Disabilities: A Handbook for Interdisciplinary Practice

Thyer, Bruce A.; Kropf, Nancy P. 1995 Brookline Books, 255p.

last update:20180228


■Thyer, Bruce A.; Kropf, Nancy P. 1995 Developmental Disabilities: A Handbook for Interdisciplinary Practice, Brookline Books, 255p. ISBN-10: 1571290036 ISBN-13: 978-1571290038 欠品 [amazon] [kinokuniya] ※ m


This explains the professions most often represented on interdisciplinary teams: their nature, concerns, and roles.


1. an introduction to the concept of interdisciplinary practice
2. administration
3. audiology
4. behavior analysis
5. pediatric dentistry
6. information/ instructional technology
7. neurology, child neurology, and developmental pediatrics
8. nursing
9. nutrition
10. occupational therapy
11. pediatric medicine
12. physical therapy
13. psychiatry
14. psychology
15. social work
16. special education
17. speech-language pathology
18. the changing nature of interdisciplinary practice




*作成:焦 岩
UP: 20180228
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