
Midgley, James 1995 Social Development: The Developmental Perspective in Social Welfare,Sage
=20030801 萩原 康生,旬報社,250p.

last update:20120110


■Midgley, James 1995 Social Development: The Developmental Perspective in Social Welfar,Sage =20030801 萩原 康生 『社会開発の福祉学――社会福祉の新たな挑戦』,旬報社,250p. ISBN-10:4845108186 ISBN-13:978-4845108183 \3150 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ sd3




Book Description
The social development approach seeks to integrate economic and social policies within a dynamic development process in order to achieve social welfare objectives. This first comprehensive textbook on the subject demonstrates that social development offers critically significant insights for the developed as well as the developing world.

James Midgley describes the social development approach, traces its origins in the developing countries, reviews theoretical issues in the field and analyzes different strategies in social development. By adding the developmental dimension, social development is shown to transcend the dichotomy between the residualist approach, which concentrates on targeting resources to the most needy, and the institutional approach which urges extensive state involvement in welfare. The final chapter offers an institution-based synthesis in which governments coordinate market, community and state-sponsored development efforts to promote welfare for all.

This incisive and accessible treatment of this important topic will be essential reading for all students in social policy, social work, development studies and public administration.
`James Midgley has produced a comprehensive and much needed account of the theory and practice of social development. His many years of experience in the social development field... offers an integrated discussion which cuts across the international divide' - Anthony Hall, London School of Economics and Political Science

`Among those committed to social development, none is better equipped than Jim Midgley to provide us with the first introductory text on the subject. Bringing his considerable scholarship to bear on social development issues, he presents a unique and knowledgeable perspective' - Caryl Abrahams, University of Calgary

`This book is the first of its kind, providing a comprehensive, incisive and refreshing analysis of social development and its contribution to the realisation of welfare objectives' - Edwell Kaseke, School of Social Work, Zimbabwe

`In elucidating the meaning of social development, Professor Midgley expands considerably current thinking about the welfare state. His synthesis provides students and scholars with the most useful discussion of social development in the literature to date' - Harry Specht, University of California, Berkeley

--このテキストは、 ペーパーバック 版に関連付けられています。
著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
ロンドン大学(LSE)やケープタウン大学で教鞭をとった後、ルイジアナ州立大学社会福祉学部長兼学長補佐を務める。現在、カリフォルニア州立大学バークレイ校公共社会サービス学部教授、社会福祉大学院学長。1996年全米ソーシャルワーカー協会から、ソーシャルワークの社会的認知を高めた功績に対し国際ローダサーナット(Rhoda Sarnat)賞を授与される

萩原 康生


 1 開発とゆがんだ発展
 2 社会開発の必要性
 3 本書の目的と領域
第1章 社会開発の定義
 1 社会福祉の概念
 2 社会福祉を向上させるさまざまなアプローチ
 3 社会開発アプローチ
 4 社会開発のその他の概念
第2章 社会開発の歴史
 1 社会変革と社会的介入の理論
 2 先進工業諸国における福祉国家と計画
 3 植民地主義と第三世界の社会福祉
 4 国連と社会開発の普及
 5 社会開発の衰退と復活
第3章 社会開発の理論
 1 社会開発理論の性格
 2 低開発の状況
 3 社会開発のプロセス
 4 社会開発の目標
第4章 社会開発のための戦略
 1 個人による社会開発
 2 コミュニティによる社会開発
 3 政府による社会開発
第5章 社会開発を目指して――制度の全体像
 1 制度学派の見方
 2 制度的見方の実践
 3 社会開発の達成のために:事例の紹介
 4 今後の課題





*作成:樋口 也寸志
UP:20120110 REV:
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