Families, Children, and the Development of Dysfunction

Dadds, Mark R. 1995 Sage Publications,118p.

last update:20171217


■Dadds, Mark R. 1995 Families, Children, and the Development of Dysfucntion,Sage Publications,118p. ISBN-10:0803951914 ISBN-13:978-0803951914  [amazon][kinokuniya]



The family plays a central role in the mental health of children. This study of the family in relation to child development and dysfunction explores whether there are critical family characteristics that are reliably predictive of childhood dysfunction - and whether these characteristics can be modified by family therapy.

The author places specific types of dysfunction such as depression, conduct problems and anxiety in the context of family influences, and details issues of identification, assessment and treatment of childhood dysfunction in relation to family processes.


1. Introduction
2. The Family and Psychopathology: An Historical Overview
3. Current Issues in the Psychopathology of Childhood
4. Mechanisms in the Development of Dysfunction
5. Measurement of the Child and Family
6. Research Designs with Families and Children
7. Specific Research Findings
8. Family Therapy
10. Conclusions and Future Directions




*作成:岩ア 弘泰
UP:20171217 REV:
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