
Rosenberg, Caren H. ; Thomson, Elizabeth J. eds. 1994
Women & Prenatal Testing : Facing Challenges of Genetic Technology
Ohio State University Press
=19961001 堀内成子・飯沼和三監訳,日本アクセル・シュプリンガー出版,374p. ISBN-10: 4895891410 ISBN-13: 978-4895891417 2800 ※


■Rosenberg, Caren H. ; Thomson, Elizabeth J. eds. 1994 Women & Prenatal Testing : Facing Challenges of Genetic Technology, Ohio State University Press=19961001 堀内成子・飯沼和三監訳,『女性と出生前検査――安心という名の幻想』,日本アクセル・シュプリンガー出版,374p. ISBN-10: 4895891410 ISBN-13: 978-4895891417 2800 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ p01.



出生前検査にて、胎児の先天異常が発見された時、妊婦は一体どんな選択肢をとるのか? 出生前検査がもたらす、倫理問題に焦点をあて徹底的に議論する。


Thomson, Elizabeth J. 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:011-016]

Rosenberg, Caren H. ; Thomson, Elizabeth J. 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:017-021]

Lippman, Abby 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:026-061]

Cowan, Ruth Schwartz 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:062-076]◇

Kaplan, Deborah 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:077-095]◇

Mahowald, Mary B. 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:100-129]

Faden, Ruth 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:130-141]

King, Patricia A. 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:142-152]

Charo, R. Alta ; Rosenberg, Caren H. 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:153-188]◇

Gates, Elena A. 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:193-215]◇

Press, Nancy Anne ; Browner, Carol H. 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:216-240]◇

Rapp, Rayna 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:241-260]◇

Nsiah-Jefferson, Laurie 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:261-296]◇

Rothman, Barbara Katz 1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:297-314]◇

Black, Rita Beck ;  1994
 Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:315-344]◇


The Genetic Construction of Prenatal Ttesting: Choice, Consent, or Conformity for Women ? / Abby Lippman

Women's Roles in the History of Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villi Sampling / Ruth Schwartz Cowan

Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis: The Impact on Persons with Disabilities / Deborah Kaplan

Reproductive Genetics and Gender Justice / Mary B. Mahowald

Reproductive Genetic Testing, Prevention, and the Ethics of Mothering / Ruth Faden

Ethics and Reproductive Genetic Testing: The Need to Understand the Parent-Child Relationship / Patricia A. King

The Good Mother: The Limits of Reproductive Accountability and Genetic Choice / R. Alta Charo and Karen H. Rothenberg

What the law says about reproductive genetic testing and what it doesn't / Ellen Wright Clayton

Prenatal Genetic Testing: Does it Benefit Pregnant Women ? / Elena A. Gates

Collective Silences, Collective Ffictions: How Prenatal Diagnostic Testing Became Part of Routine Prenatal Care / Nancy Anne Press and Carole H. Browner

Women's Responses to Prenatal Diagnosis: A Sociocultural Perspective on Diversity / Rayna Rapp

Reproductive Genetic Services for Low-Income Women and Women of Color: Access and Sociocultural Issues / Laurie Nsiah-Jefferson

The Tentative Pregnancy: Then and Now / Barbara Katz Rothman

Reproductive Genetic Testing and Pregnancy Loss: the experience of women / Rita Beck Black.

●King, Patricia A. 1994 "Ethics and Reproductive Genetic Testing: The Need to Understand the Parent-Child Relationship"=1996 「親子関係の倫理と生殖遺伝検査」,Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:142-152] <714>
◆Press, Nancy Anne ; Browner, Carole H. 1994 "Collective Silences, Collective Ffictions: How Prenatal Diagnostic Testing Became Part of Routine Prenatal Care", / Nancy Anne Press and Carole H. Browner=1996 「妊婦たちの沈黙とフィクション――出生前診断がルーチン化されるまで」,Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:216-240] <712>
◆Rapp, Rayna  1994 "Women's Responses to Prenatal Diagnosis: A Sociocultural Perspective on Diversity"=1996 「女性の心理反応と価値観の多様性」,Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:241-260] <712>
◆Nsiah-Jefferson, Laurie 1994 "Reproductive Genetic Services for Low-Income Women and Women of Color: Access and Sociocultural Issues"=1996 「低所得女性、有色系女性のための生殖遺伝医療――アクセスと社会文化的問題」,Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:261-296] <712>
◆Rothman, Barbara Katz 1994 "The Tentative Pregnancy: Then and Now"=1996 「仮の妊娠――過去そして現在」,Rosenberg ; Thomson eds.[1994=1996:297-314] <713-714>


◆立岩 真也 19970905 『私的所有論』,勁草書房,445+66p. ISBN-10: 4326601175 ISBN-13: 978-4326601172 6300 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※
◆立岩 真也 20130520 『私的所有論 第2版』,生活書院・文庫版,973p. ISBN-10: 4865000062 ISBN-13: 978-4865000061 1800+ [amazon][kinokuniya] ※

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