Justice And Care: Essential Readings In Feminist Ethics

Held, Virginia 19931103 Westview Press; 1 edition,252p.

last update:20191202


■Held, Virginia 19931103 Justice And Care: Essential Readings In Feminist Ethics,Westview Press; 1 edition,252p. ISBN-10:081332162X ISBN-13:978-0813321622 $51.80 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ f03, p



This book, an essential tool for anyone studying the state of feminist thought in particular or ethical theory in general, shows the outlines of an ethic of care in the distinctive practices of African American communities and considers how the values of care and justice can be reformulated.


Part1 Delineations of care
1 Caring, Nel Noddings
2 Moral Orientation and Moral Development, Carol Gilligan
3 The Need for More than Justice, Annette C. Baier

Part2 Doubts and Reservations
4 Beyond Caring: The De-Moralization of Gender, Marilyn Friedman
5 Gender and Moral Luck, Claudia Card

Part3 Extensions and Affirmations
6 Women and Caring: What Can Feminist Learn About Morality from Caring? Joan C. Tronto
7 Black Women and Motherhood, Patricia Hill Collins

Part4 Moral Epistemologies
8 Moral Understanding: Alternative Epistemology for a Feminist Ethics, Margaret Urban Walker
9 Feminist Moral Inquiry and the Feminist Future, Virginia Held

Part5 New Integrations
10 Caring as a Feminist Practice of Moral Reason, Alison M. Jaggar
11 Injustice in Families: Assault and Domination, Sara Ruddick




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UP:20191202 REV:
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