Yobiko Life: A Study of the Legitimation Process of Social Stratification in Japan

Tsukada, Mamoru 19920201 Univ of California Inst of East,119p.

last update:20200217


■Tsukada, Mamoru 19920201 Yobiko Life: A Study of the Legitimation Process of Social Stratification in Japan,Univ of California Inst of East,119p. ISBN-10:1557290318 ISBN-13:978-1557290311 欠品 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ e02



1. Introduction: Legitimating Social Stratificaton through Educational Competition
2. The Social and Historical Context of the Yobiko and Ronin
3. Studying the Yobiko and Ronin Students
4. Failure and Starting Over
5. The Middle Perspective: Struggling Ronin and the Stratification Process
6. The Final Perspective: The End of Ronin Life
7. The Consequence of Ronin Life
8. Conclusion




*作成:今井 浩登
UP:20200217 REV:
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