Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory

Fraser, Nancy[ナンシー・フレイザー]1989 , University of Minnesota Press and Polity Press. [独語訳(1994)あり]

last update: 20151127


Fraser, Nancy[ナンシー・フレイザー]1989 Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory, University of Minnesota Press and Polity Press. [独語訳(1994)あり]



・目次 [chap.1-7 は同題名の既発表論文の再録]
Introduction Apologia for Academic Radicals

Part 1 Powers, Norms, and Vocabularies of Contestation
Chapter 1 Foucault on Modern Power: Empirical Insights and Normative Confusions
Chapter 2 Michel Foucault: A "Young Conservative"?
Chapter 3 Foucault's Body Langage: A Posthumanist Political Rhetoric?

Part 2 On the Political and the Symbolic
Chapter 4 The French Derrideans: Politicizing Deconstruction or Deconstructing the Political?
Chapter 5 Solidarity or Singularity? Richard Rorty between Romanticism and Technocracy

Part 3 Gender and the Politics of Need Interpretation
Chapter 6 What's Critical about Critical Theory? The Case of Habermas and Gender
 初出:1985 "What's Critical About Critical Theory? The Case of Habermas and Gender," New German Critique, no. 35 (Spring/Summer 1985) pp. 97-131.
=1997 (竹内 真澄 監訳)『ハーバーマスとアメリカ・フランクフルト学派』所収 (マーティン・ジェイ編) 青木書店
Chapter 7 Women, Welfare, and the Politics of Need Interpretation
Chapter 8 Struggle over Needs: Outline of a Socialist-Feminist Critical Theory of Late Capitalist Political Culture




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