Social Brain

Gazzaniga, Michael S. 19851124 Basic Books,219p.

last update:20200203


■Gazzaniga, Michael S. 19851124 Social Brain,Basic Books,219p. ISBN-10:0465078508 ISBN-13:978-0465078509 欠品 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※  s



Recounts the early days of split-brain research and updates it with new information on the separate modules within the brain that transform random stimuli into a distinct sense of consciousness


Chapter1 The Interpretive Brain
Chapter2 Basic Brain Principles
Chapter3 Split-Brain Studies: The Early Years
Chapter4 Left-Brain, Right-Brain Mania: A Debunking
Chapter5 Brain Mechanisms and Brief Formations
Chapter6 The Search for Modularity
Chapter7 Modularity and Memory
Chapter8 Brain Modules and the Unconscious
Chapter9 Psychological Aspects of Modularity
Chapter10 Setting the Human Context: Notes from Prehistory
Chapter11 On the Inevitability of Religious Beliefs
Chapter12 After Hours




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