A History of Philosophy, Volume 2: Mediaeval Philosophy Part 1 - Augustine to Bonaventure

Copleston, Frederick 19620821 Image,346p.

last update:20200323


■Copleston, Frederick 19620821 A History of Philosophy, Volume 2: Mediaeval Philosophy Part 1 - Augustine to Bonaventure,Image,346p. ISBN-10:038501631X ISBN-13:978-0385016315 欠品 [amazon][kinokuniya] ※ p



I think this multi-volume set is one of the most erudite works of its kind. I have been amazed at the exhaustive scholarship as well as the admirable fairness of the author. Not often does one find an author of philosophical works who is completely fair to the thinkers he discusses - even though his point of view is evident to a degree.


Part 1. Pre-Mediaval Influences
Part 2. The Carolingian Renaissance
Part 3. The Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
Part 4: Islamic and Jewish Philosophy: Translations
Part 5: The Thirteenth Century




*作成:今井 浩登
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