“Though the Earth, and all inferior Creatures be common to all Men, yet every Man has a Property in his own Person. This no Body has any Right to but himself. The Labour of his Body, and the Work of his Hands, we may say, are properly his. Whatsoever, then, he removes out of the State that Nature hath provided and left it in, he hath mixed his Labour with, and joyned to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his Property.” (Locke 1689=1868:32-33; 1988:287-288,sec.27)
◆06 所有権を基礎づけるもう一つの方向は、「合意」(に基づく先占、あるいは共有地の分割)という論理だとされる。……
◇06 “(And will any one say he had no right to those Acorns of Apples he thus appropriated, because he had not the consent of all Mankind to make them his? Was it a Robbery thus to assume to himself what belonged to all in Common?) If such a consentas that was necessary, Man had starved, notwithstanding the Plenty God had given him ”(Locke[1689→:288=1968:34]sec.28)
“By making an explicit consent of every Commoner, necessary to any ones appropriating to himself any part of what is given in common, Children or Servants could not cut the Meat which thier Father or Master had provided for them in common, without assigning to every one his peculiar par]t. Though the Water running in the Fountain be every ones, yet who can doubt, but that in the Pitcher is his only who drew it out?”(Locke[1689→:289=1968:34-35]sec.29)