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Events Hosted (or Co-hosted) by Global COE

Program Ars Vivendi in 2007

Japanese Page

*This page only includes events that are hosted (or co-hosted) by Global COE Program Ars Vivendi.
For wider varieties of events, please look at "Events".


*December 23, 2007 (Sun) Mr. Yamada, Makoto
Soshikan Building Room# 403/404 at Ritsumeikan University
Yamada, Makoto, Tateiwa, Shinya (Listener) Reference Material (Japanese)
*December 23, 2007 (Sun) Study Group on Care
Soshikan Building Room# 403/404 at Ritsumeikan University
*December 22, 2007 (Sat) Study Group on Qualitative Research
Ritsumeikan University
*December 10, 2007 (Mon) Jury, Judge and Scientific Evidence in Criminal Trials
Ritsumeikan University
*December 8, 2007 (Sat) Global COE Program Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University Co-hosts
Symposium "Gender Identity Disorder Versus Rights of Patients: Spatial Spheres of Responsibility of Contemporary Medical Care"
*October 28, 2007 (Sun) Study Group on Qualitative Research
Core Project Room at Soshikan Building, Ritsumeikan University
*September 29, 2007 (Sat) "What is Bio-Politics?: in Order to Learn Ars Vivendi" (Conversation with Mima, Tatsuya),
Junkudo Shoten Osaka Head StoreMaps(http://www.junkudo.co.jp/osaka.htm) (Japanese)
*September 16 & 17, 2007 (Sun) & (Mon) General Assembly for Japan Society for Disability Studies
Suzaku Campus at Ritsumeikan University
**September 15, 2007 (Sat) Entrance Exam for Graduate School of Core Ethics & Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University
For Details(http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/e/2007.htm)
*September 6, 2007 (Thu) Global COE Program for Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University
"Questions in the History: Asking Professor Kurihara, Akira"
Soshikan Building 403/4, Ritsumeikan University
*September 2, 2007 (Sun) Study Group on Qualitative Research, Soshikan Building 312, Ritsumeikan University
*August 26, 27 & 28, 2007 (Sun), (Mon) & (Tue) Summer Session of Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences & Ars Vivendi in 2007
Ritsumeikan University
*August 18, 2007 (Sat) Public Symposium on Cultural Psychology
Conference Room at Soshikan Building, Ritsumeikan University
*August 11, 2007 (Sat)
Study Group "Ars Vivendi and Life Studies", Ritsumeikan Osaka Office
*August 10, 2007 (Fri) Study Group on Care
Ritsumeikan University
*August 9, 2007 (Thu) 10 Years of People with Disabilities in Africa: Current Efforts of People with Disabilities in Africa
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
*July 29, 2007 (Sun) Africa/HIV: Asking Mr. Inaba, Masaki (Africa Japan Forum)
Ritsumeikan University
**July 24, 25, 26 and 28, 2007 (Tue), (Wed), (Thu) and (Sat) Meeting for Delivering the Framework of Doctoral Thesis & Preparatory Doctoral Thesis in Fiscal 2007
Conference Room at Soshikan Building, Ritsumeikan University
**July 22, 2007 (Sun) Entrance Exmination Fair for Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University, Osaka
For Details (http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/e/2007.htm)
*July 21, 2007 (Sat) "History of PTSD and "Memories": Welcoming Dr. Allan Young"
Ritsumeikan University
*July 17, 2007 (Tue) Study Group on Qualitative Research, Soshikan Building 401/402, Ritsumeikan University
(Inviting Mr. Tagaki, Masakuni(Osaka Prefecture University))
*July 14, 2007 (Sat) Event on the Assistive Technology Project Led by the Involved Persons
Han, Sung-Min "Present State and Challenges of Development of Tactile Stimulative Divice for Information Guarantee"
**July 8, 2007 (Sun) Entrance Exmination Fair for Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
For Details (http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/e/2007.htm)
*July 8, 2007 (Sun) Event on Life in Kyoto & Shiga No.2
Ritsumeikan University cf.For Details(http://www.arsvi.com/0r/2007p4.htm#4542)
*July 7, 2007 (Sat) The 17th Study Group on BAS, Ritsumeikan University
Meeting for Examining Sakurai, Tooru's Liberal Eugenic Principle and Justice (2007, Nakanishiya Shuppan)
For Details(http://www.livingroom.ne.jp/e/bas.htm) (Japanese)
*June 30, 2007 (Sat) The 16th Study Group on BAS, Ritsumeikan University
For Details(http://www.livingroom.ne.jp/e/bas.htm) (Japanese)
*June 30, 2007 (Sat) Study Group on Aging, Ritsumeikan University
*June 24, 2007 (Sun) Event on Life in Kyoto & Shiga No.1
Kyoto cf.For Details(http://www.arsvi.com/0r/2007p4.htm#4542) (Japanese)
*May 20, 2007 (Sun) The 15th Study Group on BAS, Ritsumeikan University
For Details(http://www.livingroom.ne.jp/e/bas.htm) (Japanese)
Hasegawa, Yui & Kurata, Mayumi May 20, 2007 "Research Report for Safety of Donors of Living Liver Transplantation and Improvement of Care"
Ichinomiya, Shigeko May 20, 2007 "Living Liver Transplantation Seen from Donors: Analysis of the Process of Interaction between Families and Doctors with Grounded Theory Approarch"
*May 20, 2007 (Sun) The 1st Study Group on Action Research Project to Assist Severely Disabled Persons, Ritsumeikan University
cf.For Details(http://www.mhlw.go.jp/topics/bukyoku/syakai/s-fukushi/index.html)
Kawaguchi, Yumiko May 20, 2007 "Acceptance of Model Businesses of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare"
Katsuragi, Teizo May 20, 2007 "Situation in Shiga Prefecture"
*April 28, 2007 (Sat)
Tateiwa, Shinya "Scheme of "Ars Vivendi""
Saturday Lecture at Ritsumeikan University: "Construction of "Ars Vivendi": Towards the World Living with Disabilities, Aging, Illness and Differences"
*April 21, 2007 (Sat)
Hayashi, Tatsuo "Fight with AIDS: Voices of People That Changed the World"
Saturday Lecture at Ritsumeikan University: "Construction of "Ars Vivendi": Towards the World Living with Disabilities, Aging, Illness and Differences"
*April 14, 2007 (Sat)
Otani, Izumi""Between" "Good Death" and "Good Living": Over Statement of "Death with Dignity""
Saturday Lecture at Ritsumeikan University: "Construction of "Ars Vivendi": Towards the World Living with Disabilities, Aging, Illness and Differences"
*April 11, 2007 (Wed)
Study Group on "Life as an Issue"
Theme: "Faire de l'Anthropologie a l'hopital: la neutrailte est-elle souhaitable? est-elle possible?"
Lecturer: Pouchelle, Marie-Christine(Director of Research at CNRS)
*April 7, 2007 (Sat)
Amada, Josuke "Difficulties over Aging: How was What Questioned?"
Saturday Lecture at Ritsumeikan University: "Construction of "Ars Vivendi": Towards the World Living with Disabilities, Aging, Illness and Differences"
*March 24 & 25, 2007 (Sat) & (Sun) "Social Justice and Multiculturalism", Ritsumeikan University
For Details(http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/2007/0324e.htm)
*March 17, 2007 (Sat) Study Group "Considering "Ambiguous" Care", Soshikan Building 411, Ritsumeikan University
*March 4, 2007 (Sun) Study Group on Art of Living of ALS cf.ALS (Japanese)
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., BIG-i International Communication Center for Persons with Disabilities
For Details (http://www.psy.ritsumei.ac.jp/~satot/diarybox/07_ALS_ITP/070304ITP.html) (Japanese)
*February 28, 2007 (Wed) Study Group on "Life as an Issue"
For Details(http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/2007/0228e.htm)
*February 10, 2007 (Sat) The First Kyoto Seminar for Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics,


**December 23, 2007 (Sun) Asking Yamada, Makoto

Soshikan Building# 403 & 404, Ritsumeikan University From 3:30 p.m.
Yamada, Makoto/Tateiwa, Shinya (Listener) Reference Materials (Japanese)
Record (Japanese)


Jury, Judge and Scientific Evidence in Criminal Trials

Date: December 10, 2007 From 5:30 p.m.
Place: The 3rd Meeting Room, Suekawa Memorial Hall, Ritsumeikan University

Lecturer: Professor Valerie P. Hans
Professor, Law School, Cornell University

Professor Hans is the authority of research on the jury in U.S. and has developed wide varieties of research on social sciences and law. He is also the representative of The Lay Participation in Law International Research Collaborative, an international researcher network on amatuers' paticipation in the jury. He is also interested in Japanese jury system. We ask him to introduce Professor Hans' research on the formation of the jury members' judgements in criminal trials in U.S. using such things as images of simulated trials by jury.

This is a public event.
Participation Fee: Free of Charge
Advanced application is not necessary.

Presentation of Professor Hans is conducted in English and interpretation will be conducted when necessary.

Host: Study Group on Jury Communication & Study Group on Court Language Corpus
Co-host: Global COE Program Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University
Inquiry: Bureau of International Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Ritsumeikan University
TEL: +81-75-465-8164 E-mail:genbun@st.ritsumei.ac.jp


**September 29, 2007 (Sat) Discussion: Mima, Tatsuya versus Tateiwa, Shinya

Junku Osaka Talk Session

September 29, 2007 (Sat) From 6:00 p.m.

Celebration of Publication of Spectacle of Disease: Bio-politics (Published by Jinbun Shoin)

What Is Bio-politics?: Ars Vivendi

Mima, Tatsuya (Medical Sociology) versus Tateiwa, Shinya (Sociology & Ars Vivendi)

*Place: 3rd Floor at Junkudo Bookstore Osaka Head Store *Entrance Fee: 500 yen (Fixed Number:40)

TEL:+81-6-4799-1090 FAX:+81-6-4799-1091


**September 16 & 17, 2007 (Sun) & (Mon)
General Assembly for Japan Society for Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University


**September 6, 2007 Global COE Program for Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University
"Inquiry in History: Asking Professor Kurihara, Akira"

Date: September 6, 2007 (Sat) 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Place: Soshikan Building# 403 & 404, Ritsumeikan University
(Campus Access:(http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/profile/visit_rits/index.shtml)

Speaker: Kurihara, Akira
Listener: Tateiwa, Shinya, Amada, Josukeetc.
*Aamada, Josuke 2007 "Making a Journey: Quest of Living That Cannot Help Making Others Move" (Tentative Title)
For Details(http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp15.htm) (Japanese)
*Tateiwa, Shinya 2007 "Succession of Unworthy Self" (Japanese)

*Participation Fee: Free of Charge
*Those who are interested in coming are asked to send Dr. Amada an e-mail (josuke.amada@nifty.com)


**August 26, 27 & 28, 2007 (Sun), (Mon) & (Tue) Summer Session of Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences & Ars Vivendi in 2007
Ritsumeikan University

Research Report Meeting of Core Ethics (Summer Session of Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences & Ars Vivendi in 2007)

**Total 38 Reports (Reporters: 36 Persons) (Tentative)
*1st Day August 26, 2007 (Sun) From 10:00 a.m. 16 Reports, Soshikan Building #303, 304, 403 and 404
*2nd Day August 27, 2007 (Mon) From 10:00 a.m. 16 Reports, Soshikan Building #303, 304, 403 and 404
*3rd Day August 28, 2007 (Tue) From 10:00 a.m. 6 Reports, Soshikan #303 and 304

****August 26, 2007 (Sun) From 10:00 a.m.
[G1] Endo, Akira & Matsubara, Yoko Room:Soshikan# 303 and 304
*Toshimitsu, Keiko "The Arguments in Japan over Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis" (Tentative)
*Koyake, Risa "Having a Baby as a Result of "Forceful Pregnancy" of Rape"
*Katayama, Tomoya "Space Between Multiculturalism and Education of Children with Disabilites"

[G2] Gotoh, Reiko & Nozaki, Yasunobu Room: Soshikan# 403
*Nose, Keisuke "The Lack of Progress in Japanese Education Policy for Foreign Children: Ethnography of Power of the Education Board"
*Hizawa, Yoshihiko "Medical Observation Method and Social Welfare Assistance: on Requirements of Intervention" (Tentative)
*Murakami, Shinji "Examination of Concepts of Sen's Reason from Ethical Views"
*Ishida, Chie "Examination of a Question of "What is Japanese Ancestry?""
*Matsueda, Akiko "Use of Medicines and Difficulties of Gathering in Movements by Mentally-disabled Persons"
*Sakurai, Satoshi "Transition of the Pros and Cons of Death Penalty" (Tentative)

[G3] Amada, Josuke & Hotta, Yoshitaro Room: Soshikan# 404
*Tajima, Akiko "Contemporary History of Occupational Therapy in Japan (1965-1975)"
*Sadato, Kuniko "Independence of Severely Disabled Persons: Over Breakup of Osaka Green Grass Association"
*Fujiwara, Nobuyuki "Vocabularies of Motive and Social Control: On Techniques That Make People Accept "Definition of Inconvenient Condition""
*Uemura, Kaname "Merits and Demerits of Visual Recovery by Surgery of Artificial Cornea Using Advanced Root Parts"
*Fujitani, Yuta "Progression of the Fuchu Youth Center Incident" (Tentative)
*Kawaguchi, Yumiko "Kinds/Timing/Outcome of Systems That Can Be Used for Long-term Care at Home: Life Histories of Five Families"

**** August 27, 2007 (Mon) From 10:00 a.m.
[G1] Endo, Akira & Matsubara, Yoko Room: Soshikan# 303 and 304
*Sakurai, Hiroko ""The Best Benefit for Children" of Infants Born with Congenital Diseases: Examination of the Concept in Japan"
*Nakakura, Tomonori "The Conception of Labor in Gabrial Tarde's Psychologie Economique"
*Kawabata, Miki "Formation of the Law for Public Baths"
*Morishita, Naoki "Conservation Theories of Gifford Pinchot and its Philosophical Range"
*Sadaoka, Minobu "Range of Self-determination in Surrogate Birth" (Tentative)

[G2] Gotoh, Reiko & Hotta, Yoshitaro Room: Soshikan# 403
*Hara, Yusuke "Kinoshita, Naoe's Critique of Nation States and Recognition of Asia during the Japanese-Sino War and the Japanese-Russo War" (Tentative)
*Lee, Peijung "A Study of Privatization under Globalization: The Case of Postal Services"
*Lee, Peijung "Taiwan as an Internal Colony and the 228 Incident in Taiwan (Research Note)
*Iwama, Yuki "Jounalists' Perspectives on the Vietnam War: 1968" (Tentative)
*Ogawa, Hiroshi "The Egyptian 1952 Revolution and Arabism: Transition of "National Identity""
*Sato, Ryo "Memory of a Colonial City: Memory of a "Place" over Dalian City in China"

[G3] *Tateiwa, Shinya & Nozaki, Yasunobu Room: Soshikan# 404
*Sakashita, Masayuki "History of Therapy in the Area of the Aged: Over Statements of Bedridden Aged People"
*Takenaka, Kiyohito "Regulations over Modern Entertainment Areas: Labor and Manners"
*Abe, Akira "Ethics of Ironism: Richard Rorty's "Acceptance of Contingency"" (Tentative)
*Otani, Michitaka "Relationship between countries and Crime Victims Seen from the Law concerning Payment of Benefits for Crime Victims" (Tentative)
*Yoshino, Yugi "Examination of the Law concerning Special Cases in Handling Gender for People with Gender Identity Disorder" (Tentative)
*Hashiguchi, Shoji "Process of Formation of Labor Union for Part-time Workers and its Movement Theory"

****August 28, 2007 (Tue) From 10:00 a.m.
[G1] Amada, Josuke & Nozaki, Yasunobu Room: Soshikan# 303 and 304
*Sugihara, Tsutomu "Employment Policy for People with Disabilities in Japan after WWII No.1: History of Policy That Did not Include Mentally-disabled Persons"
*Nakaguchi, Michiko "Interviews with People with ALS: Possibility of Being Immersed in the Structure"
*Matoba, Kazuko "Leslie Burke Trial in Britain in which People Insisted the Right to Live: After the Munby Ruling"
*Saijo, Takanobu "Examination on the Background of Increase of "Voluntary Bodies for Preventing Crimes"" (Tentative)
*Murakami, Kiyoshi "Practice of Thoughts of Emancipation of Women from "Housewives": The Case of Housewife Front"
*Murakami, Kiyoshi "Housewives as Wage-earners and the Part-time Job Problem: An Analysis of the Activities of the Association for Thinking about Women's Liberation from the Standpoint of Housewives and the Liaison Meeting of Part-time Workers and Unorganized Labor"


**Public Symposium on Cultural Psychology

Date: August 18, 2007 (Sat) 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Place: Conference Room, Soshikan Building, Ritsumeikan University

Lecture No.1 Jaan Valsiner (Professor at Clark University)
Human Life Course: Culture as the Basis for "Ars Vivendi"
Comment: Kakai, Naoko (Aoyama Gakuin University)

Chairperson: Osona (Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College)
Yamamoto, Toshiya (Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College)
An Allowance as Culture: On Cultural Structure of the Relationship of Mediation that Share the World
Yasuda, Yuko (Kyoto University)
Choice of Women Who Hope to Have a Child, Crossroads and its Pathway: In Goals that Seek and Goals that Can be Seen
Kagawa, Shuta & Moro, Yuji (Tsukuba University)
Learning Transfer, Cross-boundary and Statement: Analysis of the Learning Process of Nursing Students
Tagaki, Masakuni (Osaka Prefecture University)
Re-organization of Perspective of Time in the Narrative of Turning-point of Midway Persons with Disabilities
Minami, Hirofumi (Kyushu University)

Lecture No.2 Jaan Valsiner (Professor at Clark University)
Beyond Indigenous Cultural Psychologies: How Psychology in Japan Can Lead the Change in World Psychology

Whole Discussion

Overall Host: Yato, Yuko (Ritsumeikan University) Introduction of Lecturer: Sato, Tatsuya (Ritsumeikan University)

Co-host: Institute of Human Sciences at Ritsumeikan University, Global COE Program Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University etc.
Support: Japanese Society for Qualitative Psychology
Where to Contact:
Institute of Human Sciences at Ritsumeikan University (Person in Charge: FUKUDA) E-Mail:fukudam.[at]gmail.com
(Please change [at] to @.) ***********************************************************************************************************************************


**August 10, 2007 (Fri) Study Group on Care
[What is study group on care?]
After a report meeting on care was held in March 2007, we set up this study group. This study group welcomes various kinds of people in addition to students at Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences and aims tconsider various aspects of care. We have a mailing list. (For details, please contact MATOBA)

*Our Study Group's Projects in 2007

Study Group: Considering Care in "Publicness"

For details
(http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/~gr022059/product/2007/care.htm) (Japanese)

Date: August 10, 2007 (Fri)
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Place: Soshikan Building Room # 303, Ritsumeikan University

[Purpose of This Event]
So far care has barely been dealt with as micro-level issues based under the topic of the dynamics of "what a person does (cares)" and "what a person is done (cared)" in the field.
On the other hand, many discussions have recently focused on "the ethics of care" as an ideal that complements "the ethics of justice" in the field of "publicness" or as an ideal that alternates it. However, it seems that works that examine the effectiveness of those discussions and moreover, build up thoughts that can be used in the field by examining the possibilitiy of their application by running them with the clinical field have not conducted enough.
This time we will try to conduct such kinds of works based on reports of three persons who have had prescriptive approaches on care and two persons who have been working in the field.

Program (Tentative)
1:00 p.m. - 1:10 p.m. Office Memo etc.

The 1st Part: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. : What is the Publicness of Care?
1:10 p.m. - 2:10 p.m. Report No.1: Abe, Akira
2:10 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Break
2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Report No.2: Hotta, Yoshitaro
3:15 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. Break
3:20 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. Report No.3: Sato, Sayaka
4:20 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. Q & A
4:50 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Break

The 2nd Part: 5:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. : From the Clinical Field
5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Report No.4: Obata, Mitsuko
5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Report No.5: Nakaguchi, Michiko
6:00 p.m. - 6:20 p.m. Q & A
6:20 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Break

The 3rd Part: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. :Considering the Possibility of Public Care
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Organization of Points under Discussion Tateiwa, Shinya
7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. General Discussion

[Profile of Reporters]

*Abe, Akira
[Affiliation]: Graduate Student at Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University (Area of Publicness)
[Specialty]: Sociology/Ethics
[Self-introfuction]: My main research themes are research on political and social thoughts of Richard Rorty and social solidarity theory
[What I Feel about This Event]:
"Care" is the theme I have been interested in for a long time. At first, I was only interested in "the ethics of care". Yet as time passes by, I have been inspired by awareness of the issues of people who have practiced "care". I really look forward to participating in this event.

*Hotta, Yoshitaro
[Affiliation]: Project Researcher, Research Center and Institute at Ritsumeikan University (TATEIWA Project)
[Specialty]: medical ethics/bioethics
I am interested in issues medical ethics and bioethics deal with.
[What I Feel about This Event]:
I would like to consider the propriety of who asks whom to have the burden of concrete acts, especially in care and assistance. I would like to examine the possibility and limitation of "Paid Labor" as its shared organization based on the nature of care and assistance.

*Sato, Sayaka
[Affiliation]: Graduate Student, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo

[Specialty]: Education
My methodology is based on the prescriptive approach of feminism ethics and philosophy.
I conduct research on how such issues as disrimination, oppression and exclusion appear in children while I am at an elementary school or an welfare facility. I have verbalized what I have felt with children and users and try to connect them with what academic intellect has accumulated.
[What I Feel about This Event]:
My basic concern is "care" in the society rather than individual one. How does it make possible? This time I mainly deal with E.F.Kittay's "Public ethical framework of care".
To what extent can "care ethics" complement what has been excluded from the category of "money" and "things (or labor)"?
I would like to examine its possibility and limitation.

*Obata, Mitsuko
[Affiliation]: Graduate Student at Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University/Basic Course on Care, Faculty of Medical School of Nursing, Oita University
[Specialty]: Nursing
[What I Feel about This Event]:
How has "care" been dealt with in the clinical nursing field and the nursing industry?
With introduction of the literature, I am going to report about my own awareness of issues on care.

*Nakaguchi, Michiko
[Affiliation]: Graduate Student at Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University
[Specialty]: sociology/welfare/nursing/care/system
My main research theme is to discuss "care as valuable existence" from perspectives of issues over "care" and their relationship/arrangement.
[What I Feel about This Event]:
Based on the above discription, what I have been doing is 1) by having interviews with patients with ALS, and using them as media, I would like to assist them to have "various rights" and 2) to examine issues of "the aged" since it includes various kinds of problems.
I look forward to participating in this event.

Matoba, Kazuko (Planner of This Event)
[Affiliation]: Graduate Student at Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University
Medical director, Vihara ward (palliative care), Nagaoka nishi hospital
[Specialty]: medical care at the end of life
What I have been working on is to examine the scheme of the system of medical care at the end of life.
Now I am examining things that relate to the live and death in the UK after 1990s.
[What I Feel about This Event]:
By considering responses from the clinical field, I hope we will understand care more. I also hope we will continuously work on this topic and this event will become the opportunity to organize various issues for the future.
Please contact matobak[at]gmail.com for more information. (Please change [at] to @.)

*Hotta, Yoshitaro August 10, 2007 "Reconsidering "Socialization of Care": Possibility and Limitation of Paid/Single Business Strategy" (Japanese)


*August 9, 2007 (Thu) Round Table Discussion: Visually Diabled Persons Talk about their Study at Higher Education in Sudan & Japan

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Africa-Japan Forum/Global COE Program for Ars Vivendi
From 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
-A foreign graduate student with visual disability from Sudan who learns peace building at a Graduate School at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
-Hoshika, Ryoji (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)
-Aoki, Shintaro (Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)


**July 29, 2007 (Sun) Asking Mr. Inaba, Masaki (Africa-Japan Forum)
Starts at 4:00 p.m. Soshikan Building #303/304, Ritsumeikan University
For Details (http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/profile/visit_rits/index.shtml) (Japanese)

*For Details (Japanese)
*Planned by: Tateiwa, Shinya


We have a special public event. (This information is transferable.)
Advance application is not necessary.
We provide information guarantee for people with hearing difficulties. (Scription of summary is conducted)

***Special Public Event
Global COE Program for Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University
History of PTSD and "Memories": Welcoming Dr. Allan YOUNG
Date: July 21, 2007 (Sat) 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Doors open 12:30 p.m.)
Place: Igakukan Building Second Hall, Ritsumeikan University
(Access to the Campus URL: http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/profile/visit_rits/index.shtml#kinugasa
Participation fees: Free of Charge

1:00 p.m. - 1:05 p.m. Opening Remarks Nishi, Masahiko (Dean, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
1:05 p.m. - 1:10 p.m. Introduction of Dr. Allan Young by Miyasaka, Keizo (Professor, Faculty of Letters, Keio University)
1:10 p.m. - 2:10 p.m. Keynote Report Allan Young (Special Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Sociology, Keio University)
"PTSD in the War on Terror" (Translator: Miyasaka, Keizo (Professor, Faculty of Letters, Keio University))
2:10 p.m. - 2:25 p.m. Designated Question No.1 Koyake, Risa (Graduate Student, Graduate School of Core Ethics & Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)
2:25 p.m. - 2:40 p.m. Designated Question No.2 Katayama, Tomoya (Graduate Student, Graduate School of Core Ethics & Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)
2:40 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Dr.Allan Young's Reply
3:00 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. Break
3:20 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. Research Report No.1 "Informed Consent in Frontier Medical Care"
Uemura, Kaname (Graduate Student, Graduate School of Core Ethics & Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)
3:40 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Research Report No.2 "How Parents and Children Build the Relationship in NICU"
Sakurai, Hiroko (Graduate Student, Graduate School of Core Ethics & Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)
4:00 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. Dr. Allan Young's Comments
4:20 p.m. - 4:40 p.m. Break
4:40 p.m. - 4:55 p.m. Comment on the Whole Discussion No.1 Ikeda, Mitsuho (Professor, Communication Design Center, Osaka University)
4:55 p.m. - 5:10 p.m. Comment on the Whole Discussion No.2 Amada, Josuke (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)
5:10 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Dr. Allan Young's Reply
5:30 p.m. - 5:50 p.m. Questions from the Floor & Dr. Allan Young's Response
5:50 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Closing Remarks Matsubara, Yoko (Vice Dean, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)
Chairperson: Sato, Tatsuya (Professor, School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)

*Keynote speech is conducted in English but we have consecutive interpretation and summary of the transcript.

**Introduction of Dr. Allan Young
Dr. Allan Young was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1938. He graduated from University of Pennsylvania (Department of Anthropology) in 1959. He took a PhD at University of Pennsylvania in 1974. After lecturing at New York University and Case Western Reserve University and so on, he is now a chief professor at Social Study of Medicine and professor at Department of Anthropology and that of Medicine at McGill University in Canada In Japan, he is known as receiving the Welcome Medical Anthropology Award by The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in 1998. Since then he has conducted not only a series of research activities on the same theme but on a series of recent wider themes of evolutionary psychiatry, such as the brain evolution and presented a lot of papers at societies on psychiatry.

Global COE Program Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University

Global COE Program Centre for Advanced Research on Logic and Sensibility at Keio University

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Fundamental Research for Establishment of a System of Patients-led Scientific Technology Research" (Representative: MATSUBARA Yoko)
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Historical Development of Japanese Clinical Psychology Seen from the Relation with the Social Condition and Foreign Theories" (Representative: SATO Tatsuya)
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Representative Politics over Aging and Death in the Medical Welfare System for the Aged in the U.S." (Representative: AMADA Josuke)

*How to Apply
Please send us via either Email or fax, writing name, affiliation (optional) and contact address.
*Where to Contact Email: liaisonk@st.ritsumei.ac.jp FAX: 075-465-8245

Office of Humanities and Social Sciences Research at Ritsumeikan Univeristy (Persons in Charge: ARAHORI, OSHITA & NAKAYAMA)
56-1 Kitamachi, Tojiin, Kita-ku Kyoto City Japan 603-8577
TEL:+81-75-465-8358 FAX: +81-75-465-8245
Email: liaisonk@st.ritsumei.ac.jp

Access Map:

*Since there is no parking lot, please use the public transportation when you come to Ritsumeikan University.
*No food and drink are allowed.


***July 14, 2007 (Sat) Event on the Assistive Technology Project Led by the Involved Persons
Han, Sung-Min "Present State and Challenges of Development of Tactile Stimulative Divice for Information Guarantee"

Date: July 14, 2007 (Sat) 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Place: Soshikan Building Room# 302 at Ritsumeikan University
Reporter: Han, Sung-Min
Commentator: Uemura, Masayuki (Faculty member, Graduate School of Core Ethics & Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)

Profile of Reporter
Han, Sung-Min
-Works for KGS Corporation http://www.kgs-jpn.co.jp/eindex.html
-Engages in research and development of assistive technology (such as tactile stimulative divice(for MEG and fMRI), tactile games and display of braille) for the visually impaired
-Has master's degree of psychology (Kwansei Gakuin University)
-Has a license of acupuncture moxibustion

Host: Global COE Program Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University
Co-host: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Fundamental Research for Establishment of a System of Patients-led Scientific Technology Research" (Representative: MATSUBARA Yoko)

cf. Han, Sung-Min July 14, 2007 "Assistive Technology for the Blind" (Japanese)

*Feedback from Professor Uemura (Commentator)

July 20, 2007

First of all, let me say thank you for allowing me to participate in the study group called "Present State and Challenges of Development of Tactile Stimulative Divice for Information Guarantee". Since I have been engaged in the development of toys for a long time, the word of "tactile stimulative divice" sounds very exciting and what we call "curiosity of developers" brought me to this study group.
However, this study group made me realize the importance of the word of "information guarantee". It also made me realize the necessity of "information guarantee" for "aged eyes as the aging phenomenon". Especially, since "aged eyes" of those who had good eyes in their youth are vision disabilities that are not trained enough, they feel troublesome. Moreover, since the society centers on people with no disabilities, I feel the necessity of "information guarantee" strongly.
Now, let me make comments by stating parts of "curiosity of developers" on "tactile stimulative divice".
Informatization of toys starting since 1980s has changed the world of toys from the world of tactile sense to that of vision rapidly. While I was engaged in the development of the Family Computer, one of the "visual toys", I realized both the depth of the possibilities of playthings of visual toys and hugeness of its businesses. And with the progress of informational revolution, there appears cell-phone-type visual toys which do not require TV image receptor. And now, it appears that the visual toys enter the golden days. By the way, the origin of "omocha" (toys) is said to come from wife's word of "omochite". We understand from its origin that since "omocha" (toys) are something we carry with our hands, "touch with palm of our hands and stroke with our fingers", things that we can enjoy "various enjoyable world of imagination" are "omocha" (toys). That is, "omocha" (toys) are real "tactile stimulative divices". When we consider "visual toys" from the viewpoint, parts that can be touched are mere "manual operation buttons", and we cannot draw any imagination from the buttons. Moreover, "images that appear on TV or liquid crystal displays" alternate "parts that we imagine". And we are then fascinated with the world of plays that revolves around the world of images. As a result, I am afraid that "imagination that has been naturally trained by touching" "omocha" (toys) as tactile stimulative divice have might be lost.
However, it is only 30 years since informatization of toys came off. However, it is a momentary incident seen from the history of human kinds. I was wondering if people would get tired of visual toys and "the mind that enjoys touch functions", which is stored in their genes, would make us seek for toys with ample touch functions in the future.


***April 11, 2007

From Professor Matsubara, Yoko

We are having the study group of "Life as an Issue". A lecturer, Ms.Pouchelle, specializes in field work of hospitals and she has had academic achievement on medieval medical history. We hope you will be able to hear interesting stories.

Theme: "Faire de l'Anthropologie a l'hopital: la neutrailte est-elle souhaitable? est-elle possible?"

Date: April 11, 2007 (Wed) 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Place: Soshikan Building Room# 403
Lecturer: Pouchelle, Marie-Christine (Director of Research at CNRS)
Translator: Kano, Yukiko (Kobe College)
Chairperson: Watanabe, Kozo (Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University)
Note: We might partly use a video.
Host: Graduate School of Core Ethcis and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Fundamental Research for Establishment of a System of Patients-led Scientific Technology Research" (Representative: MATSUBARA Yoko)
Co-host: Institute of Human Services at Ritsumeikan University

*Profile of a Lecturer
Pouchelle, Marie-Christine
Directeur de recherche au CNRS,
Centre d'Etudes Transdisciplinaires
Equipe de l'Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du contemporain

L' Hôpital Corps et Ame . Essais d' Anthropologie Hospitalière, Paris, Seli Arslan, 2003, 218 p.
Regards sur l'Hôpital Boucicaut, (collaboration Lucienne Carpot), Paris, Secteur Edition de l'AP-HP, 2000, 85 p.
Regards sur l'Hôpital Laennec, (collaboration Muriel Pissavy), Paris, Secteur Edition de l'AP-HP, 1999, 65 p
Regards sur l'Hôpital Broussais, Paris, Secteur Edition de l'AP-HP, 1999, 61 p.
Corps et chirurgie à l' apogée du Moyen Age. Savoir et imaginaire du corps chez Henry de Mondeville, chirurgien de Philippe Le Bel, Paris, Flammarion, 1983, 389 p.

Matsubara, Yoko
56-1 Kitamachi, Tojiin, Kita-ku, Kyoto Japan 603-8577
Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at Ritsumeikan University
E-mail: yoko-m*cool.email.ne.jp (Please change * to @)
Phone & Fax. 075-466-3283


***February 10, 2007 The First Kyoto Seminar for Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics

*Koizumi, Yoshiyuki February 10, 2007 "Presentation at Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics" (Japanese)
The First Kyoto Seminar for Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics
For Details(http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/s/ky01/n_e_h.doc) (Japanese)
Koizumi, Yoshiyuki February 10, 2007 "Documents Distributed at Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics & Supplementary Document" (Japanese)
The First Kyoto Seminar for Study Group on Incurable Disease and Ethics
For Details(http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/s/ky01/n_e_s.doc) (Japanese)

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