10/01/Mo. Lecture by Prof. Fridus Steijlen on "The Oral History Research Project in Holland."
An oral history by milestones. 10/02/01
10/03/Wed. Asama Hot spring Torchlight Festival (Asama Hot spring Streets, Nagano Pref.)
10/04/Thurs. Freai (Contact) Station 2002, Matsumoto City
10/05/Fri. CEATEC Japan 2001-We will follow our plan this year too!!
Call for Quick Approval of the "Tentative Measure Bill regarding Support Measures for
Homeless Independent Living" 10/5/01 Request for Diet Central Action
Lecture by Prof. Fridus Steijlen on "The Oral History Research Project in Holland."
An oral history by milestones.
10/06/Sat. The People First Conference in Hokkaido
Call for Quick Approval of "The Tentative Measure Bill regarding Support Measures for
Homeless Independent Living" 10/5/01 Request for Diet Central Action
LpPlayer Workshop for People with Learning and Writing Disabilities and
the Vision-Impaired, Matsuyama City
10/07/Sun. The People First Conference in Hokkaido
LpPlayer Workshop for People with Learning and Writing Disabilities and
the Vision-Impaired, Matsuyama City
10/08/Mo. Are you "Physically Unimpaired?" or "Physically Impaired?"
10/13/Sat. Sixteenth Meguro Mental Health Welfare Lectures
on "Knowledge of Medical Therapy for Family-Continue the Experience as Parents"
by Kohei Senda
10/15/Mo. Peer Net 21/ Course of Lecture for Certified Helpers Training/ First Session
Lecture on "Preventing Spousal Violence and Law Protecting the Victims"
10/17/Wed. Traffic Free Barrier Promotion Seminar
10/18/Thurs. "Desirable Support for LD (Learning disabled) Children" by Hisako Cunningham
Emergency Session for Blocking Revision of School Education Act Enforcement Order
19:00 to ?, Zen Suido-Kaikan
National Liaison Meeting for Opening Normal Schools to Disabled Children
Photo Exhibit of Afghanistan Women and Children
10/19/Fri. "The Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons" The Final Year's Commemoration
Forum/ Opening Symposium
. "The Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons" The Final Year's Commemoration
Forum/ Opening Symposium
The "International Symposium/ Hope for the Future Digital Broadcast"
Photo Exhibit of Afghanistan Women and Children
10/20/Sat. Fourth Tochigi Self Help Seminar
Research Meeting for "Care for Those Who Care People"
Photo Exhibit of Afghanistan Women and Children
10/21/Sun. Research Meeting for "Care for Those Who Care People"
Photo Exhibit of Afghanistan Women and Children
Transportation Action/ Unification Action, Sinjuku Kashiwagi Koen, 12:00 PM
"Let's Think about the Issue of Domestic Violence"
10/22/Mo. Photo Exhibit of Afghanistan Women and Children
10/23/Tues. Photo Exhibit of Afghanistan Women and Children
10/24/Wed. Photo Exhibit of Afghanistan Women and Children
International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition, Tokyo International Exhibition Hall, "Tokyo Big Site"
10/25/Thurs. International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition, Tokyo International Exhibition Hall, "Tokyo Big Site"
10/26/Fri. International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition, Tokyo International Exhibition
Hall, "Tokyo Big Site"
10/27/Sat. Disability Studies Research Group, Kanto Branch, 18th Research Study of
"Sexual Minority-Society through a Disabled Homosexual's Eyes" by Minoru Hanada
Zen-Sho-Ren, Twenty-fifth Commemoration of the National Exchange Meeting in Kobe
Japan Association for Bioethics Meeting, Thirteenth Annual Conference, Doho University
10/28/Sun. Zen-Sho-Ren, Twenty-fifth Commemoration National Exchange Meeting in Kobe
Japan Association for Bioethics Meeting, Thirteenth Annual Conference, Doho University
Research and Study Group for Infectious Diseases, the "Necessity of AIDS Strategies"
10/31/Wed. One Year to DPI (Disabled Peoples' International) Conference, Sapporo Meeting,
Tokyo Event

11/01/Thurs. Community Based Approach of Self-Advocacy and Empowerment for People with Disabilities, Musashino City
11/02/Fri. Protecting People with Disabilities from Abuse-Take Charge Against Abuse-Trust Yourself, Shinjuku
11/03/Sat. Continuing Education on the "Issue of Disabilities"-With the International Disability Classification (Revised Version)
Support Program for People with Disabilities-Take Charge Against Abuse!
- Purpose of Self-Advocacy and Empowerment, Yokoyama
One Year to DPI (Disabled Peoples' International) Conference, Sapporo Meeting, Sapporo Event
11/04/Sun. One Year to DPI (Disabled Peoples' International) Conference,
Sapporo Meeting, Sapporo Event City Festival, Ginrei-Sai
11/06/Tues. Advocacy and Empowerment ~ Speaking for Ourselves, Mie
HOSPEX Japan 2001, The International Healthcare Engineering Exhibition
The International Healthcare Engineering Exhibition
11/07/Wed. HOSPEX Japan 2001, The International Healthcare Engineering Exhibition
11/08/Thurs. HOSPEX Japan 2001, The International Healthcare Engineering Exhibition
11/09/Fri. WB-Students Workshop, Guest Speaker, Ms. Mitsuko Tokunaga (Representative of Amis D'Afrique)
HOSPEX Japan 2001, The International Healthcare Engineering Exhibition
11/10/Sat. Continuing Education on the Issue on Disabilities-With the International
Disability Classification (Revised Version)
Don't Ignore the New Selection! Assemble for Disapproval on the Regulation Revision on the School Education Act Enforcement Order Revision
11:30 - 13:30, Toyama Sunrise, Sponsored by the Japan Teachers' Union, Japan
Renraku-kai, Zen-Sho-Ren
Information on the Documentary Movie "Hinata Bokko," Kyoto
11/11/Sun. 15-Year War and Japan's Medical Care Research Meeting, Sixth Workshop
Learn Mental Health Welfare Through Overseas, Kurume City
Lectures and Panel Discussion, "Creation of Barrier-Free Society"
Kanagawa Institute of Technology, College Festival, Ikutoku-Sai
Settling the Hansen's Disease Issue
11/15/Thurs. Symposium on the AIDS Vaccine

Settling the Hansen's Disease Issue
11/17/Sat. Continuing Education on the Issue of Disabilities-With the International
Disability Classification (Revised Version)
Lecture by Dr. Padmani Mendis
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Community through Community Based Rehabilitation--How can we encourage people with disability to participate communities?
4th, Support People with Mobility Disabilities/ Seminar on Transportation Service Activities and Kansai STS Networks Inaugural General Meeting
11/20/Tues. Lecture by Detective Marilyn Johnson, Director for the Mentally Disabled, Sapporo City
11/23/Fri Advocacy for a Detective in Charge of People with Mental Disabilities, Tokyo
Lecture by Detective Marilyn Johnson
EA Opening Speakers' Meeting
11/24/Sat. The Japan Sociological Society, Conference
11/25/Sun. "How Should We Protect People with Mental Disabilities from Becoming Crime-Victims?"
Lecture by Detective Marilyn Johnson, Director for the Mentally Disabled, Yokohama City
The Japan Sociological Society, Conference
Introduces the Issue of "Violence against Women," 11/25/01
11/30/Fri. Peer-Net 21 Lecture, Matsumoto City
Barrier Free-Send oxygen to "Oxygen Deprived Heart," by Mr. Satoshi Fukushima
1ational Institute of Information Lecture
"Towards Electronic Journals: Challenges of Researchers, Libraries, and Publishers," Campus Plaza Kyoto

12/01/Sat. School of Allied Medical Sciences, Shinshu University, Special Lecture, Matsumoto City
"People with Visual Impairments and Normalization," by Mr. Satoshi Fukushima
14th Meguro Mental Health Welfare Lecture
"What a Wonderful Feeling It Is to be able to Connect People-Activity and Opinion of a Mentally Disabled Person"
Symposium on the Broadcast of Breaking through the Barrier for People with Hearing Impairments, in Tokyo, 2001
21st Century Caption Broadcasting and Expansion of Communication Satellite (CS) Broadcasts
The Social Policy Studies Network (SPSN)
Reality Structure of a "Family with a Disabled Person" (Tentative Title)
Report by Mr. Tsuchiya Yoh (Musashino University)
"Globalization and Employment Resume"
Report by Mr. Yosihiro Shimodaira (Meisei University)
WORLD AIDS DAY 2001, Andy Rain Photo Exhibition, The United Nations University, 1F Lobby
Gendai Bungaku-Kai, 2001, "Is There Any Future for the Authors?-Copyright and Media/ Circulations" http://www.genbun.com/, Senshu University
12/02/Sun. Symposium on the Broadcast of Breaking through the Barrier for People with Hearing Impairments, in Tokyo, 2001
21st Century Caption Broadcasting and Expansion of Communication Satellite (CS) Broadcasting
WORLD AIDS DAY 2001, Andy Rain Photo Exhibition, The United Nations University, 1F Lobby
12/03/Mo. WORLD AIDS DAY 2001, Andy Rain Photo Exhibition, The United Nations University, 1F Lobby
12/04/Tues. "When Deaf Persons Learn at a University (1), Information, Lecture, and Security of People with Hearing Impairments at Doshisha University"
WORLD AIDS DAY 2001, Andy Rain Photo Exhibition, The United Nations University, 1F Lobby
12/05/Wed. WORLD AIDS DAY 2001, Andy Rain Photo Exhibition, The United Nations University, 1F Lobby
"Accessible Afternoon" at Internet Week 2001
12/06/Thurs. WORLD AIDS DAY 2001, Andy Rain Photo Exhibition, The United Nations University, 1F Lobby
12/07/Fri WORLD AIDS DAY 2001, Andy Rain Photo Exhibition, The United Nations University, 1F Lobby
12/08/Sat. Open Lecture on Research Study for Infectious Diseases, Issue of AIDS Strategy in Kenya, Uganda-Everything Start from Coming Out
Second Tokyo Homeless Forum
12/09/Sun DDD Smile Free School, School Festival
Japan Association of Medical Law, 31st Convention
12/15/Sat. International Symposium of Child Abuse
Preliminary Meeting Preparation for the Second Annual Support Higher Education for People with Disabilities, "Exchange, Research, and Training" Meeting
Japan Palestine Medical Association (JPMA) Volunteers Report Meeting
"After Completing Music Therapy Programs in Palestine," by Ms. Yuko Kobayashi
12/19/Wed. "When Deaf Persons Learn at University (2), Information, Lecture, and Security of People with Hearing Impairments at Tamagawa University"
12/20/Thurs. 20th Kandai Disability Studies Seminar
"Disabled People with Animals," by Ms. Akiko Mishima
12/21/Fri. 23rd International Student Symposium
"Escape from Chaos-To Create the Neo Paradigm-"
12/22/Sat. Disability Studies Workshop, Kanto Branch 19th Workshop
12/23/Sun. 23rd International Student Symposium
Disability Studies Workshop, Kansai Branch 13th Workshop
"Disability, Animal, and Exclusion" (Tentative Title) by Ms. Akiko Mishima
Save the Children, Care and Prevention for Young Sexual Offenders-Learn from
the Philippines' Efforts
12/24/Mo. 23rd International Student Symposium

2000  ◇2002