@The International Program of the Global COE Program Ars Vivendi
@@iPlaceFSeoul Campus of Kyonggi Universityj
E TATEIWA Shin'ya@"Greeting"
‘Poster Presentation
@AHN Hyo Suk@"System concerning Communication Tools of Patients with ALS and its Situation"
@ARIMATSU Ryo@Yume Kaze Fund: The Background of its Establishment and its Ideal"
@GONDO Mayumi, ARIMATSU Ryo@& AOKI Chihoko@"The Process of Activity of Support Centers for Disabled People in Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate Prefecture"
@HASEGAWA Yui@"Necessary System for Patients with ALS who Live Alone in Local Life"
@HORI Tomohisa@"History of Social Movements by Disabled People and Their Parents in Japan: During the Period of High Economic Growth / After the International Year of Disabled Persons"
@HOTTA Yoshitaro@"Technical Support for Information Communication of People with Quadriplegic: History, Current Situation and Challenges"
@KWAK Jeongran@"Social Movements and Polisies over the System Legalizing School for the Disabled: Comparison between Japan and South Korea"
@LIM DeokYoung@"The Current Situation and Suggestion Points of Housing Policy of Disabled People in Japan"
@MORISHITA Naoki@"Structure of Social Pressure to the Pollution Victims in the History of Minamata Disease"
@ONO Mayuko@"Internal Experiences and Supportive Viewpoints of Patients with CRPS through Time"
@TAKAHASHI Shinichi@"Is Gender Idendity Disorder "Disability"?: Questions between Medical Care and Social Issues"
@WATANABE Katsunori & GOTO Yuri@"Movements by Disabled People in Chubu Area: Focusing on Yutaka Welfare Association, Wappa no Kai and AJU from 1960s through 1980s"
@YAMAMOTO Shinsuke@"Living Space of Patients with ALS who Live Alone in Japan"
@YOSHIDA Sachie@"The Actual Situation of Korean Policy against Hansen's Disease: Shorokuto from under Japan's Governance to its Liberty"
‘Oral Presentation
@TATEIWA Shin'ya@"Disaster Continues: What Can we Do as Logistic Support?"
@GONDO Mayumi & AOKI Chihoko@"Activities of Support Center for Disabled People in Fukushima"
@ARIMATSU Ryo@"Yume Kaze Fund: Activites in the Great East Japan Earthquake"
@WATANABE Katsunori@"Movements by the Involved People with Speech Disabilities: History and Present 'Genyukai'"
@TATEIWA Shin'ya@"Disabled People and Labor: Although this Is Surely a Burdensome Issue,..."
@@Host:Korean Council of Center for Independent Living, National Solidarity for Abolishment of Discrimination against Disabled People
@@iSeoul, Koreaj
@TATEIWA Shin'ya@"Since they Are Family (, they Are Women)? Plus Movements by Female Disabled People (Abstract)"
@@HostFWomen with Disabilities Empathy
@@iSeoul, Koreaj