Last November the Association for Research on Disability Studies was establied in South Korea by activists in the area of disabilities and academic researchers etc. Disability Studies draws increasing attention both in research and movements in South Korea, too and the association is expected to develop. At the time of its setup, the memorial lecture was held (co-hosted by our program) and the lecture by TATEIWA Shin'ya, "Celebrating the Establishment of the Association for Research on Disability Studies in South Korea: Japanese History of Disability Studies", was conducted. About one year later--that is, at the end of November 2010, graduate students and post-doctoral fellow who conduct research on disabilities in our program participate in "Korea Japan Disability Studies Forum", which is hosted by the association.
It can be said that Japan-South Korea exchanges in the area of disability studies, which is about to develop from now on, can make great contribution to the development of disability studies through sharing of experiences and knowledge of people involving in the area of disabilities in both countries and clarification of similarities and differences over "disabilities" in South Korea and Japan. It is also thought that the exchanges can find out the possibility of new collaboration of people invloved in the area of disabilities in both countries and can show the new way to research and practices in both countries. This time, I, as one of the participants, look forward to sharing experiences and knowledge with people in South Korea in the area of disabilities in Japan and learning the approach of South Korea in which the Disability Discrimination Act was already established. (Written by YASUDA Masayuki)
November 27, 2010
◆"Korea Japan Disability Studies Forum" (2nd Day) in Seoul, South Korea
◇Session Meeting 1 "Independent Living Movements and Assistance Services"
・CHONG Hee Kyong "Current Condition of the Process in Independent Living of People with Physical Disabilities and its Services"
・MINO Koji "Report on the Current Condition of Regional Life of People with Intellectual Disabilities"
Plus South Korean Presenters
◇Session Meeting 2 "Law System in Relation to Income Security of People with Disabilities and its Policies (Focusing on Disability Pension)"
・HASHIGUCHI Shoji "Income Security System and Welfare Benefit in Japan"
・YASUDA Masayuki "Income Security System of People with Disabilities in Japan: Focusing on Basic Disability Benefit"
Plus South Korean Presenters
◇Poster Presentations
・ARIMATSU Ryo "Political Power Shift and Policy for People with Disabilities"
・AHN Hyosuk "Independent Living of Patients with ALS in Japan"
・LEE Wook "Japanese System of Lending Welfare Equipment"
・ONO Mayuko "Consideration of the Concept of 'Disabilities' and the System over Pains: Focusing on Activities of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Patients' Association in South Korea"
・MORISHITA Naoki "Minamata Disease Sufferes: What Separates People with Disabilities"
・YOSHIDA Sachie "Transition of Hansen Disease Policies in Japan and South Korea since 1950s"
* The second seminar will be held in Kyoto in 2011.
Other Related Schedule
November 23, 2010
◆TATEIWA Shin'ya "The Self and his/her Family/Family and Society" (Lecture), Graduate School of Chung-ang University, South Korea
November 24, 2010
◆JO Han-jin & TATEIWA Shin'ya "Studies, Movements and Policies of People with Disabilities" (Conversation), Seminar "Invitation to Disability Studies: Shift of Viewpoints of Welfare of People with Disabilities", Center for Independent Living in Daegu, Daegu, South Korea
November 27, 2010
◆TATEIWA Shin'ya "Social Services/Income Security/Labor: Stating the Ideal Way with Brief Introduction of Japan", Solidarity of Abolishment of Discrimination of People with Disabilities in South Korea, Soul City, South Korea
As written in the above "Outline & Goals", TATEIWA Shin'ya's memorial lecture at the Association for Research on Disability Studies last November created an opportunity to have this event.
A big welcome party was held on November 25. Mr. JEONG Hugyun, a Diet member in South Korea, invited all participants from Japan to the party. and we had the traditional Korean food.
The Korea Japan Disability Studies Forum was held on November 26 and 27, 2010. The place of the forum is located near Parliament and there are many bureaus of groups of people with disabilities. More than 100 people participated in the forum, including involved persons with disabilities, persons involved in groups of people with disabilities and participants from Japan and active discussions were held for two days. Let us briefly report about the forum.
On the first day(November 26, 2010)the memorandum of understanding for research cooperation was exchanged between Mr. SO In-hyan and TATEIWA Shin'ya. From now on we strongly believe people with the different cultures and histories who are interested in disability studies can deepen exchanges and the whole research on disability studies both in South Korea and Japan can become activated by experiencing each attributes and differences.
After that the main seminar "Disability Identity and Politics of Differences" was held. In the morning TATEIWA Shin'ya, TAJIMA Akiko and AOKI Chihoko had presentations. In the afternoon Korean presenters conducted their presentations.
The question of how differences of people with disabilities should be realized and collected as groups was posed in the afternoon. Members of minority groups of people with disabilities conducted their presentations. The presenters consisted of Ms. LEE Ho Sun, a graduate student with mild disabilities, Ms. KIM SeRa, representative of the association for people with dwarfism and Mr. HEO Jin, representative of association of peoplw with mental disabilities and Mr. YOON Seok Kwon, a person with facial burn injury. They talked about their own experiences. Then professor KWAK Ji Young of Seoul Cyber University talked about statistical research concerning identities of people with disabilities and its political effects.
On the second day(November 27, 2010)the forum consisted of two sessions--"Independent Living Movements and Assistance Services" and "Law System in Relation to Income Security of People with Disabilities and its Policies (Focusing on Disability Pension)" and active discussions were conducted.
In the latter session, HASHIGUCHI Shoji and YASUDA Masayuki had presentations about the current situation of people with disabilities in Japan and Ms. BAEK Hye Ryun, representative of policy office of group of people with disabilities talked about the current situation of people with disabilities in South Korea. We found out that the situation in South Korea is confused because the pension system for people with disabilities has just started since July 1, 2010 and the amount paid is 150,000 won (that is, about 9,000 yen) and that income standard cannot be determined due to the revision of the basic life system (what we call public assistance system). There is insistence that the movements by people with disabilities in South Korea do not demand the raise of amount of pension but try to improve the fundamental issues in the society and we felt the excitement of the movements by people with disabilities in South Korea.
In the former session, after presentations of CHONG Hee Kyong and MINO Koji Mr. AAN Jin Hwan, who belongs to the Center for Independent Living in Yangchon-gu, talked about the Center's activities and problems. After his talk both questions and opinions were posed concerning "Assistance Business of the Center for Independent Living in South Korea", which led to active discussions. Although it was difficult to understand those discussions without the actual condition of the movements by involved people and the Center for Independent Living. And there was not enough time for the discussions. However, we truly understand the enthusism of people involving in the movements by people with disabilities in South Korea.
By participating in this event, we were able to both deepen the actual exchanges with Korean sides and moreover, reexamine our own researches from various perspectives. We plan to develop these discussions into our papers in the near future. (Written by MINO Koji & AOKI Chihoko)