逐次通訳: 平賀 緑
13:10?14:10:安部 彰氏報告 "An Alternative Approach to Global Ethics: Beyond Rorty" とポッゲ教授のリプライ
14:20?15:20:本岡 大和氏報告 "The Attempt of Alternative Citizenship: Against Injustice on Borders" とポッゲ教授のリプライ
15:30?16:30:村上 慎司氏報告 "An Essay on the Complementarity between Capability and Global Resource Dividend" とポッゲ教授のリプライ
18:30? 懇親会
ポッゲ教授(Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs at Yale University)をお招きし、その主著(World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms, 2002; 立岩真也他訳, なぜ遠くの貧しい人への義務があるのか?世界的貧困と人権, 2010)における主要概念である義務と、その具体的課題の一つとしての新薬開発について、講演と討議を行います。
Planned mainly by Mr. Murakami Shinji and Mr. Kataoka Minoru, this intensive 5-hour Workshop on August 18, 2010, gave four leading scholars of the Ars Vivendi Global COE Program at Ritsumeikan University an opportunity to present in English their own work in progress. My role was that of commentator and discussant, and an audience of about 20 other faculty and students also partook in the discussion. The presented papers raised interesting points about important issues: about moral motivation (Dr. Abe Akira), the exclusion of would-be immigrants (Mr. Motooka Hirokazu), the critique of resourcism on behalf of the capability approach (Mr. Murakami Shinji) and the relation of negative and positive duties in regard to social institutions (Professor Tateiwa Shin’ya). Because only a few Workshop participants were fluent in spoken English, translation was competently provided by Ms. Hiraga Midori. With her help and that of a bright student, Ms. Ishida Chie, the discussion was continued for a few more hours at a nice local restaurant that we managed to have to ourselves that evening. Encouraged by agreeable draught beer, various students consulted me about their work and collected souvenir autographs and photos in the process. I was inspired by the open, non-hierarchical scholarly atmosphere at Ars Vivendi and hope to visit again in the not-too-distant future.