Points on Direct Payments

Asking Dr.Simon Prideaux

Events Hosted (or Co-hosted) by Global COE Program Ars Vivendi in 2009

Japanese Page

■Date, Time & Place: July 14, 2009 Starts from 14:00 at Soshikan 416, Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University

■Lecture of Dr.Simon Prideaux & Discussion
Interpretation into Japanese will be provided.

[Introduction of Lecturer]
Dr. Simon Prideaux Dr.Simon Prideaux

Disabled People and Self Directed Support Schemes: Re-Conceptualising Work and Welfare in the 21st Century (MS Word)
From 'Dependency' to 'Self Directed Support'? A UK Perspective of Disability, Welfare and Work Since the 1940s(MS Word)

Woroshop with Dr. Simon Prideaux

Tateiwa, Shinya July 14, 2009 "Questions plus Some Things about Japan", Ritsumeikan University
cf) Notes on Direct Payments

■Evening of July 14: Gion Festival ("Yoiyoiyoiyama," or three nights before the Gion Festival's "Yamahoko Junko" procession)

Picture at Yoiyoiyoiyama

UP:July 14, 2009 REV:July 21, 2009/July 30, 2009/September 3, 2009
Events Hosted (or Co-hosted) by Global COE Program Ars Vivendi in 2009  ◇Dr.Simon Prideaux  *Disability Studies

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