Points on Direct Payments
Asking Dr.Simon Prideaux
Events Hosted (or Co-hosted) by Global COE Program Ars Vivendi in 2009
Japanese Page
■Date, Time & Place: July 14, 2009 Starts from 14:00 at Soshikan 416, Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University
■Lecture of Dr.Simon Prideaux & Discussion
Interpretation into Japanese will be provided.
[Introduction of Lecturer]
Dr.Simon Prideaux
Disabled People and Self Directed Support Schemes: Re-Conceptualising Work and Welfare in the 21st Century
(MS Word)
From 'Dependency' to 'Self Directed Support'? A UK Perspective of Disability, Welfare and Work Since the 1940s
(MS Word)
Tateiwa, Shinya
July 14, 2009 "Questions plus Some Things about Japan", Ritsumeikan University
Notes on Direct Payments
■Evening of July 14: Gion Festival ("Yoiyoiyoiyama," or three nights before the Gion Festival's "Yamahoko Junko" procession)
UP:July 14, 2009 REV:July 21, 2009/July 30, 2009/September 3, 2009
Events Hosted (or Co-hosted) by Global COE Program Ars Vivendi in 2009
Dr.Simon Prideaux
Disability Studies