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Santegoeds, Jolijn 20131103 "FGC in mental health care - Belgrade conference"

last update:2015807


At Thursday 31 October in the afternoon I had my workshop on Family Group Conferencing (FGC) in mental health care. I was very honoured to have about 10 people joining my 1-hour workshop on Family Group Conferencing in mental health care. It was mainly a dialogue where I tried to answer all the questions.



First I explained once again what my relation with Family Group Conferencing is; As an expert with lived experience of forced psychiatric treatments (http://www.mindrights.nl ), I was consulted in the law reform on forced psychiatric treatments by the Ministry of Justice in the Netherlands. I reviewed the law proposal and I fully disagreed with it. In my opinion a law on mental health care should be about providing care, so the scope should not be “when to apply force” but rather “how to offer support to a person in a crisis”, which is a completely different question. I analysed all aspects of the law proposal and defined my own positions. Then I found that Family Group Conferencing seemed to fit as a model for supported decision-making, to avoid state interventions. I wrote a paper about it, and then I was contacted by the Dutch organization for FGC, and we started a pilot-project in 3 regions in the Netherlands, to avoid forced psychiatric treatments by Family Group Conferencing. In this pilot-project, the mental health hospitals in these 3 regions will each refer 20 cases to Family Group Conferencing, instead of proceeding to forced measures, and VUMC University is researching the effects of this pilot. The first results of FGC in mental health crisis situations are promising.



We talked about perceptions around danger and safety. Forced interventions do not increase safety, but lead to more trauma, panic, struggle and therefor create more problems and risks of escalation. The focus of mental health care should be on supporting the person or family going through a crisis. However, the medical model of psychiatry is narrowing the scope of interventions to chemical reactions, leaving out the social dynamics. But mental health is a social issue, and real care is about restoring wellbeing. For supporting mental health, a social approach is needed, which can be found in Family Group Conferencing. It is very important not to focus solely on the ‘problematic part’, but to focus on chances, opportunities, recovery and supporting wellbeing. Family Group Conferencing does have that positive scope.



Forced treatments are often said to be the last resort, but generally there are no first resorts, due to various barriers (financial, bureaucratic, personal). This leads to a situation of neglect of psychosocial suffering, and then a horrible forced intervention follows. Prevention of crisis in the earliest stage possible is very important, and FGC allows for such a preventive approach.
In mental health crisis situations, there are often dynamics of social exclusion, due to the limits of the coping capacity of the social community. FGC offers an opportunity to deal with the powerlessness of the family/community, to prevent powerlessness and burn-out, and to prevent exclusion as a consequence. Family Group Conferencing can enable inclusion.



The stigma and misperceptions around mental, psychosocial, psychiatric problems is huge. Often persons suffering are considered as “too sick to express their views”. It is important to avoid any of such presumptions on incapacity, but the focus should be on offering support in expressing personal views, somehow comparable to the principles of enabling a child’s perspectives to be included in decision making. Every person is able to communicate in any form, and aspects such as understanding body-language are very important. Every person can smile or cry, which is a very clear expression of their personal will. Outsiders may not always understand a person’s behaviour or perceptions, and label it as confused or “mad” or psychosis. However, family and close persons can relate to a much higher extend, and often have a very good understanding of the real roots and discourse of the problems.



We also talked about fear and trust. It can be hard to discuss personal problems, and quite some persons resort to self-isolation in mental health crisis situations. But often, despite the fact that the person is trying to hide it, the network already knows there is something wrong. It is “the elephant in the room”. Some people find their turning point when they are facing the bottom of their existence, and take the chance for changing the situation by coming out and sharing their problems, taking the barrier they have been trying to run away from. This can be healing on itself, which is another potential strength of Family Group Conferencing.
Taking the chance of sharing real feelings also depends on trust, and the level of feeling safe. In a family network, the personal gestures and identity are known, and it’s easier for a person to express his/her real feelings and open up. The informal network has a good understanding of who you are, and often understand the personal signs and origins of anger or a joke. In your own circle of family and friends, there is no need to uphold any theatre, opposite to when professional carers are judging on forced interventions.



By Family Group Conferencing the person is empowered to exercise control over their own life, opposite to losing control. Friends and family in the family circle actually care about the main person, and want to offer support, that is why they join the circle. They are generally trying to find the best solutions, who are harmless and helpful, unlike horrific standardized forced psychiatric interventions, such as seclusion or restraints (which should be called abuse).
Family Group Conferencing is not a threat to personal freedom, but rather a chance to deal with the very real issues of mental health. It is therefore completely different than the currently standardized practices of mental health crisis-intervention.



The issue of fear is very relevant in mental health issues. Mental health care on itself is stigmatized. Psychiatry has a very bad image and most people have a gut feeling that this is not a nice place, not helpful but harmful. For many people it is their worst nightmare to be in a mental health institution. On the one hand due to the horrific practices that are publically known but often still taboo, and on the other hand due to the painful awareness of human vulnerability, and personal suffering, which is something that people sometimes tend to deny that it exists. Generally every person is scared to “loose the mind”, as we all want to remain in control over ourselves. But there is no such thing as “losing the mind”. It is psychosocial suffering, powerlessness at various sides, panic and misunderstanding that are co-existing and form the mental health crisis-situation.
It is completely understandable that most people are scared of psychiatry and mental health care, and fear asking for mental health support. But it is actually very weird that care is perceived as ultimately frightening: it should be warm, helpful and supportive. When care is perceived as a threat, something is awfully wrong with the care-system. The fear of mental health is complicated and relevant. However, Family Group Conferencing can provide a safe space for people to enable real support according to their own views.



Opening up on the real personal struggles and challenges a person is dealing with, and sharing these with the family circle, is often healing and supporting recovery. This effect is also recognized in the model of Open Dialogue Finland which focusses on the social meaning of psychosis. (for an explanatory video-interview on the Finnish Open Dialogue, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywtPedxhC3U ).



However, Family Group Conferencing is not a therapy, but it is a way of decision making. The focus of FGC is on supporting decision-making, which can replace substitute decision-making done by authorities. In an ideal world: The person and family circle can make their own care-plan, which can include both formal and informal care. In practice however, there is often a kind of dominance of professionals , who might make parallel plans within their own assumptions of “best interest”. Professional opinions are not automatically questioned.
The acceptance of FGC-plans by other (bureaucratic) organizations is often a challenge, despite the fact that personal plans made by the family circle have many big advantages for professionals, such as the fact that families are motivated to realize their own plans. Also in so-called “multi-problem situations”, often the problems are all connected, and Family Group Conferencing has the potential to enable integral solutions, which are highly effective and to the point.


翻訳:伊東 香純(20150726)

*作成:伊東 香純
UP: 20150807 REV:
Santegoeds, Jolijn  ◇精神障害/精神医療
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