Notes on Women's Autonomous Cultural Scenes (6)

MURAKAMI Kiyoshi / June 1, 2017

last update: 20170601

May 26, 2017
"Women's Autonomous Cultural Scenes: Media, Space, and Activism": The 7th lecture
memorandum (some part of lecture contents)

The main theme of this lecture was "Quiet Hills Zine Festival: Activities and Characteristics of Quiet Hills Zine Collective and Cry in Public".

žQuiet Hills Zine Festival
mDatenMay 20, 2017 (Saturday) 14:00-19:00
mVenuenCry in Public + Mishima City Lifelong Learning Center (Shizuoka, Japan)
mOrganizernQuiet Hills Zine Collective (Q.H.Z.C.)
mCooperatornCry in Public (C.I.P.)
žQuiet Hills Zine Collective
žCry in Public

After showing the photos of the fest (May 20), I mentioned the following contents in the lecture.

0) This is the first zine fest held in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture.
In the announcement released in advance of the fest, there was such a message: "This event is loosely to make a connection between people who make zines and people who read zines."mhttps://qhzc.tumblr.com/post/157930924966/quiet-hills-zine-festivaln By this phrase, it is revealed that the organizers have a strong sense of promotion of human exchange among zinesters.

1) The organizer QHZC is the zine team formed by 3 women living in Mishima. They are kind to feminist issues (thought/literature) although not fully explained. The participants of the fest also were mostly non-male people and many feminist zines were displayed/distributed/sold in the venue.

2) From the QHZF manifestomhttps://qhzc.tumblr.com/post/157931669671/qhzf-%E3%83%9E%E3%83%8B%E3%83%95%E3%82%A7%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88nprereleased by QHZC, we can find out their consciousness of placing a significance on personal amateur creation and promoting creativity rooted in locality.

3) This Fest contained the organizers' talk, zine-talk, and zine-reading in the program and furthermore placed a communal table and a working table in the venue. That is internationally common but a rare case in Japan. To stretch the point a bit, that maintains global standard of zine fests. It is meaningful that such fest was realized at a local city, not in Tokyo.

EMURAKAMI Kiyoshi@2017/05/20@"[Zine Talk] The Briefing on Zine Fests / Zine Libraries / Zine-related Projects in the U.K." at Mishima City Lifelong Learning Center (16:00-16:30)

4) The origin of the name of CIP (Cry in Public) has relation to Riot Grrrl movement. This words have appeared in (1) a flyer written by Kathleen Hanna in 1990* and (2) the manifesto in between the sleeve of the first released record of the label Kill Rock Stars**. The management committee of CIP contain male members. They also share the awareness of the issues.

* Kathleen Hanna, 1990, "The Revolution Starts Here and Now..." (Flyer), The Kathleen Hanna Papers. (in Lisa Darms ed., 2013, The Riot Grrrl Collection, New York: The Feminist Press, p.19. [http://www.feministpress.org/books-n-z/riot-grrrl-collection])
** Kill Rock Stars is an independent record label founded in 1991 by Slim Moon, based in Olympia, Washington. [http://www.killrockstars.com/]

EKatie Hasty@20130326@"Interview: Kathleen Hanna talks eThe Punk Singer,f Beyonce and crying in public", Uproxx - Hitfix. [http://uproxx.com/hitfix/intereview-kathleen-hanna-talks-the-punk-singer-beyonce-and-crying-in-public/]

5) CIP has a zine library which is probably most fulfilling in Japan (Photo: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6Syu5BU8AEvHhh.jpg]). That houses a valuable domestic and international collection. CIP has also periodically been publishing their own zines (QHZC members have irregularly contributed those zines).

6) Members of CIP/QHZC work harmoniously with not only people who are active in the music/zine scene of Tokyo but also people who are active in the local music/ literature scene of Shizuoka.

¡List: [Serial Publication] Notes on Women's Autonomous Cultural Scenes

¡Class Information
The Course in the First Half of the 2017 Academic Year at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies: Introduction to Gender Studies "Women's Autonomous Cultural Scenes: Media, Space, and Activism" (Lecturer: MURAKAMI Kiyoshi)

Author: MURAKAMI Kiyoshi
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