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【翻訳】Gina Murrell(@GinaMurrell1)のTwitter活用に関するツイート(December 28, 2016)

[Translation] Tweets from Gina Murrell (@GinaMurrell1) on utilizing Twitter (December 28, 2016)

村上 潔MURAKAMI Kiyoshi) 2016/12/28

last update: 20161228

■Gina Murrell(@GinaMurrell1)

┃For me, now, I still get too much from Twitter to quit: personal+professional connections, news of #libraryjobs, conferences+opportunities.

┃And I believe the live-tweeting of conferences & events is one of the best things ever for those of us who can't be there in person.

┃I've actually made IRL friends by live-tweeting library events, zine events, cultural events-kindred spirits I may not have met otherwise.

┃And speaking of #zines, being on Twitter has connected me to a global #zine community in a way that would've been unthinkable a decade ago.

◇黒人でクィアの/バイセクシュアルの女性としては、Twitter上の洗練された・面白い・(不正や差別に対して)意識的なQTPOC(=Queer and/or Trans People of Color)の職業人・知識人・クリエイティブな人たちとつながることは、慰め(癒し)になるのだ。
┃As a black queer/bi woman, connecting with smart, funny & woke QTPOC professionals, intellectuals & creatives on Twitter has been a salve.

[Serial Publication] Notes on Grrrl / Queer / Feminist Zines
ジェンダー論入門:“Grrrl / Queer / Feminist Zines”(神戸市外国語大学2016年度前期科目)

*作成:村上 潔MURAKAMI Kiyoshi
UP: 20161228 REV:
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