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【翻訳】〈ZINES(@fanzines)〉のツイート×3(November 14, 2016)

[Translation] 3 Tweets from ZINES (@fanzines) (November 14, 2016)

村上 潔MURAKAMI Kiyoshi) 2016/11/14

last update: 20161114

◇ZINES @fanzines(2016年11月14日2:39)
In these times of heightened fear & uncertainty, #zines are a powerful tool; giving a voice to those marginalised & persecuted by society

◇ZINES @fanzines(2016年11月14日2:43)
Use #zines as part of your resistance & fight-back! To spread information, to organise, to disseminate ideas, to connect and to give hope

◇ZINES @fanzines(2016年11月14日2:55)
#Zines have been and continue to be a weapon in the fight against fascism & discrimination around the world. Use them to destroy ignorance.

◆ZINES (@fanzines)

[Serial Publication] Notes on Grrrl / Queer / Feminist Zines
ジェンダー論入門:“Grrrl / Queer / Feminist Zines”(神戸市外国語大学2016年度前期科目)
翻訳(村上 潔)

*作成:村上 潔MURAKAMI Kiyoshi
UP: 20161114 REV:
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