Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.55 (August 15, 2011)
last update:20160126
We, Global COE Program Ars Vivendi, would like to let you know the
following five news.
1) We have made an English-version page of Labor Movements of the
Youth: Sociology of "Let us Work" and "We Do not Work".
2) We have been enriching the contents of Mental Disability /
3) Ms. Chie Ishida, our doctoral student, briefly writes about
her research theme.
4) We hosted an event, "Living with Illness" on August 4. Its
English-version page is now ready.
5) Our program members have conducted various kinds of global
research activities. The following is the brief report written
by Professor Tatsuo Hayashi.
The disaster as the opportunity for learning global mutual aids
Hayashi Tatsuo (Japan Africa Forum)
Unprecedented tunami attacked the east Japan in March. About six
months has passed since then, but the east Japan is still in the
middle of being reconstructed. Even if the people there could avoid
physical death, they are in trouble with mental problems. I really
think Japan should learn a lesson from the way of the world's
mutual aids.
There are so many assistances all over the world, which are not
only from rich countries but also from poor countries including
African countries such as Djibouti. The Japanese government,
however, stopped an aid which saved the lives of people against
AIDS, TB and Malaria. The government cut the national budget
concerning the aid this year. It seems that the Japanese government
takes too much care of itself. I strongly believe if we help tunami
victims in Japan, we should also willingly save the millions of
victims with the infectious diseases and the starvation in the
world, too.
Japan should learn from an African culture which assists each
other, namely 'Ubentu' in Zulu language. Now we should regard the
disaster as the opportunity to learn global mutual aids.
Tatsuo Hayashi
*Please click below for more detailed information about our program.
We are eager to promote collaborative research projects with
disabled patients' advocacy groups, non-profit organizations, as
well as domestic and international researchers.
[Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine]
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General Editor : Shin'ya Tateiwa
Chief Editor : Minoru Kataoka
Publication : Research Center for Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University
56-1 Kitamachi, Tojiin, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan 603-8577