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Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.27 (June 30, 2010)

last update:20160201

We, Global COE Program Ars Vivendi, would like to let you know the
following three news.

1) We have been making an English-version page of basic income.
Especially, we translate and add some citations to Basic Income:
Possibility of the Minimal State that Distributes

2) The English-version pages of the following two
students' activities are now ready.
2-1) Study Group on Anthropology and Sociology of "Ars Vivendi"
2-2) International Study on Labour Issues, Unstable Living
and Guaranteed Income

3) We would like to let you know about the following events.
3-1) We have posted some pictures on the page of "Trans-Asian
Meeting on the Law and Psychology"
3-2) We co-host the event "Over MAUSS/Mauss: The Possibility of its
Alternative Welcoming Professor Alain Caillé" on July 12, 2010 and
its English-version page is now ready.
3-3) We co-host the workshop with Professor Thomas Pogge on August
18, 2010. We will let you know its details in the near future.

*Please click below for more detailed information about our program.

We are eager to promote collaborative research projects with
disabled patients' advocacy groups, non-profit organizations, as
well as domestic and international researchers.

[Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine]
For comments, subscription and cancellation of this e-mail magazine,
please e-mail TAE01303@nifty.ne.jp
For past issues of our e-mail magazine, please take a look at

General Editor : Shin'ya Tateiwa
Chief Editor : Minoru Kataoka
Publication : Research Center for Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University
56-1 Kitamachi, Tojiin, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan 603-8577
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