"The Lack of Progress in Japanese Education Policy for Foreign Children: A Study of Causes in Area X"
NOSE Keisuke
last update: 20151225
The Lack of Progress in Japanese Education Policy for Foreign Children: A Study of Causes in Area X
NOSE Keisuke
Due to globalization, there are foreigners and related educational problems in every local area in Japan.
However, the Japanese government has devised neither a systematic policy for foreign residents nor provided
adequate education for foreign children. The Japanese government has followed a policy of monoculturalism
since World War II. As a result, some foreign children do not go to school and many foreign children, especially
Brazilians, are not eager to study because of family circumstances resulting from immigration policy and the
labor market.
Even if the national government lacks policies, local education administrations need to formulate some as
independent administrations, but most local education administrations, with some exceptions, have done
nothing, so far.
To discover the reasons for this lack of local support for foreign students, I interviewed administration
persons concerned at X area in central Honshu.
In general, studies of educational administration report that local education administrations are controlled
by the national Ministry of Education and cannot promote their own policies. This is true, but there is another
factor according to my research. Local education administrations are surrounded by a majority (Japanese
parents and school teachers) that drowns out the voices of the minority (foreigners) about education theory and
Keywords: education for foreign children, policy for foreigners, local administration of education, marginalization
REV: 20151225