"A Study of Privatization under Globalization: The Case of Postal Services"
LEE Peijung
last update: 20151225
A Study of Privatization under Globalization: The Case of Postal Services
LEE Peijung
This paper uses the modern postal system as a lens to examine the development of imperial colonialism after
the 19th century and its overlap with privatization under contemporary globalization.
The importance of privatization is analyzed, especially from the perspective of mutual dependence or mutual
competition among countries. Furthermore, the structural violence of imperialism and globalization is
investigated and compared. This analysis suggests that, although globalization appeals to people to remove all
existing trade barriers and national boundaries, it does not bring us a totally free world without any
discrimination. Trade openness and liberalization could be said to sacrifice the interests of some people so as to
promote the interests of others rather than to strive for the interests of all. In addition, there is no denying that
globalization has much to do with social phenomena such as the working poor, the polarized distribution of
income of the M-shape society, the winner group and the loser group and the increase of regional divides or
inner city divides in contemporary times.
As mentioned above, this paper shall examine the privatization of the postal services of modern nation states
through the rethinking of the content and the meaning of privatization.
Keywords: globalism, imperialism, privatization of postal services, society of disparities, interstate system
REV: 20151225