"Kinoshita Naoe's Critique of 'Japanese Spirit'"

HARA Yusuke

last update: 20151225

Kinoshita Naoe's Critique of "Japanese Spirit"

HARA Yusuke
The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) prompted people to think seriously about how Japan should pursue a role as an important actor on the stage of world politics. Kinoshita Naoe, a pacifist and "socialistic Christian," vigorously criticized the nationalism that had been gaining power with the rise of Japan's presence in East Asia. Many nationalists at that time advocated that Japan can and should play some positive role in international affairs in its own manner.

In January 1905, Ebina Danjo, a "nationalistic Christian," published an article in praise of the rapid progress of Japan's national strength. He admired Japan as the "Empire of the Son of God" to come. He declared that, led by "Japanese Spirit," the nation was destined to bring the ultimate solution to the critical situation of East Asia and in turn to that of the whole world. A controversy over "Japanese Spirit" was triggered by Kotoku Shusui, a socialist, who ridiculed it. Adding to the debate, Kinoshita criticized the acclaim for such spirit as encouraging imperialism. He pointed out that, when adherents of spirit talk of state, they overlook the person, which at any time must be the first unit of concern, even in the heat of enthusiasm for the nation.

Keywords: nationalism, Japanese Spirit, the Russo-Japanese War, Kinoshita Naoe, Ebina Danjo
REV: 20151225
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