"Thoughts on Social Adjustment: A Discussion on the Concept of 'Social Adjustment' in Association with the Factors that Inspire the 'Wish to Recover the Original Body'"


last update: 20151224

Thoughts on Social Adjustment: A Discussion on the Concept of "Social Adjustment" in Association with the Factors that Inspire the "Wish to Recover the Original Body"

On the basis of an interview with a female with right hemiparesis after cerebral hemorrhage, who cried and showed her "wish to recover the original body", three questions were proposed based on the theory of social adjustment by Naoji Nagumo, and the theory was critically reviewed. The questions were as follows: (1) Is it likely that the importance of recognition and affirmation is overlooked where only the two factors of elimination and adjustment are considered? (2) Is agony associated with impairment caused only by the attitude of others and society? (3) Is the methodology of a self-assistance group appropriate? The results of the interview revealed that with regard to the second question, the person's sense of value was based on her relationships with important people and how these people saw the current body (physical capacity) was an important factor for inspiring the "wish to recover the original body". As to the first question, the importance of recognition and affirmation was confirmed. With regard to the third question, it was suggested that the methodology of selfassistance groups that worked on the real problems was unclear.

Keywords: social adjustment, disability adjustment, sense of value, sense of rules, cerebrovascular disease

REV: 20151224
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