"The Constitution of Supports for Students with Disabilities in University"

AOKI Shintaro

last update: 20151224

The Constitution of Supports for Students with Disabilities in University

AOKI Shintaro
In 2006, three students with visual disabilities entered Ritsumeikan University. They need support, for example, translating books and material to Braille, reading them and so on. But the university cannot do these things. Why?

On the other hand, The Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Science in the university has a barrierfree project and it provides information technologies to support students with visual disabilities. I work as a coordinator of this program and find suitable volunteers in order to meet student's requests.

Recently many universities have depended extensively on student volunteers inside the universities to support students with disabilities. One of the reasons is that they are not pleased to take on these responsibilities and pay for them. But it seems to me that not only the universities but also society has responsibilities for supporting students with disabilities because their right to have a higher education should be guaranteed.

Key words : University, Student with Disability, Support Systems, Responsibility, Social Solidarity

REV: 20151224
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